Cap. 15

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To his surprize Austin agreed in giving Eddy a night alone with Brett. The man had been pretty clear in many occasions on how Brett's presence was making him feel insecure about the relationship he had with Eddy but they reached the important truth that it was Eddy the person he should trust and after receiving the permission to go out with Brett, even after making clear that Brett was gay, Eddy felt a little lighter. They also decided to try to live together and see how it went, since things were going pretty fine after the accident.

It was already half an hour that Eddy had gone out and the same anger was devouring him another time. He was really trying to keep that part of himself calm, but when it came to Eddy it was all too difficult.

He had seen him drunk in that pub and from the first moment his eyes landed on his slender and yet strong body he knew that Eddy was meant to be his. He took care of the boy, he brought him home and held him in his sleep before pretending he had slept on the couch. He had been comprehensive with the boy and the bad idea for their first date, but he had found a way to see him one more time to convince him in staying. He had been understanding with Eddy's need between sheets, he had lost control on his dark side just one time and it had been difficult for him to put that anger back in its spot in his head but he was figuring out how to do it.

Till that night. He was pacing with his phone in his hands trying to hold everything back before making that call. He shouldn't and he knew it. The weight of the phone in his hands was slowly dragging him down toward that dark side he desperately was trying to hold back from Eddy. The man was his, right? He had won, right? Eddy agreed in living with him, right?

But he was out with that whore

His fingers quickly typed the number and put the phone to his ears

Jason: "Hello?"

Austin: "Hey,'s Austin here"

Jason: "Hey Austin! Sorry bro, I'm the pub now the music is loud..."

Bingo the insta story was right, Jason was at the same pub

Austin: "Yeah I know, I have to ask you a favour, it's pretty urgent..."

Jason: "Oh dear, what's going on?"

Austin: "Tonight my boyfriend came there with a man he knew by some chats saying that he was just a friend, and I can believe that Eddy was genuinely convinced of this but I fear this man is trying to keep him away from me..."

Jason: "Do you want me to give him a warning?"

Austin: "It would be great, yeah..."

Jason: "Good, I'll wait for you here so that you can give me indications"

Austin: "On my way"

As they entered the pub they headed to the bar counter and took a seat

Eddy: "Two martini for me and my friend"

Barista: "Something to celebrate?"

Eddy: "Yes, this boy over here made coming out with me today!"

He said while shaking one of Brett's shoulders affectionately

Barista: "Oh, good for you man, is he your bf now?"

Eddy: "If for bf you mean best friend yes, he is!"

Barista: "Oh sorry I misunderstood"

He said while cleaning the glasses for the drinks

Eddy: "No worries, you're not the first one who mistakes us for a couple!"

Barista: "With best friends may happen"

Eddy: "We on another lever! We have an entire fandom of people shipping us!"

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