Eight: A' Comhlio Priad

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(The First Joining)

The soft evening breeze played with Fìorea's long, violet hair and sent grains of sand through the air around her. Those tiny specks of dust reflected the glow emanating from the Sìthicris' eyes. She took in a breath and let it out in a steady blow as she stared across the wilderness that stretched between her and Vidurram's home lands.

After only a few moments, she lost track of how many exactly, she saw her Troglobha friend ambling towards her. A smile curved her lips, she waved her hand and saw his muscular arm rise in response.

The two of them had been meeting regularly for weeks now. They would sneak out to the wilderness and then visit one of their home lands - taking it in turns. This week was the eighth week and Fìorea would be in charge as they would be at Sìthicris Terran.

Fìorea lifted her glowing hand and drew the eight-pointed star symbol on Vidurram's chest. He barely registered what she was doing, it had become common practice by this point. Once the light sank into the Troglobha's skin, the two of them made their way to Sìthicris Terran, with no words exchanged.

Vidurram's large khaki hand enveloped Fìorea's pale fingers. She gazed up into his warm amber eyes. The smile that met her gaze lit a warmth in her core and she felt at home by his side.

She led him into the trees of Iar Coilva, then to the bank of the west side's lake.

"Is today the day?" Vidurram asked the violet fairy as he glanced over the lake that Fìorea had told him about already during his other visits to Sìthicris-Terran.

"It is, Illuminare-Trabem told me this morning."

"I still don't understand what the Great Power was trying to tell me the other week. He told me in the smoke that our people belong together, but what does He mean?"

"He said the same to me. He said, our magic belongs together for it is all from Him," Fìorea responded, then began to watch the graceful patterns on the lake's surface.

"You've told me about how Illuminare-Trabem speaks to you and your people, but I've never seen it." Vidurram pondered out loud. "How does he speak to you?"

Fìorea opened her mouth to answer him, but was interrupted by a bright light that reflected off the rippling water.

"They see my light and hear my voice," Illuminare-Trabem's words echoed in the air, sending Vidurram to his knees. Fìorea knelt down beside him, her eyes not leaving the glistening white beam. "Today shall be the last day that you two hide your union from the others. For it is time their minds and hearts are readied for your joining, which will occur in eight days time."

"Our joining?" Fìorea asked, whilst glancing up at Vidurram. His scowl reflected her own confusion.

"Yes." Illuminare-Trabem's velvety voice drew Fìorea's gaze back to the lake. "There shall be a ceremony. The first of many - too many to even count. Your names shall forever be the first to join, bringing the two tribes together, making a new people. A people who will harbour a new form of magic, which will be wielded with the help of nature."

Fìorea's mouth fell open as the plan sank into her mind. The possibilities that unravelled before her seemed endless and the future felt full of hope. These last eight weeks had opened her eyes. She had never felt happier than when she was by Vidurram's side. Of course, a part of her felt uneasy at such a thought. It was unheard of. A Sìthicris and a Troglobha being acquaintances, friends, or even maybe more.

"But, Great Power. How are the tribes going to accept this?" Vidurram's question echoed Fìorea's own thoughts.

"I have tasks for you to undergo within the next eight days, one being for you both to personally invite everyone from your tribes to witness your joining ceremony. This ceremony will have traditions representing both Terrans."

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