Thirty-Eight: Sìthicris-Sana

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Lorrus dared not blink as he watched light magic embrace his daughter. He didn't know what to think, for nothing made sense. Not one thing. Once the light magic's movement calmed, he ran to her side and saw straight away that all of her injuries - the wound on her chest, the cut on her cheek, her bruised wrists were all healed. It looked as if nothing was ever there marking her skin in the first place.

"Bay, you're..." his deep voice trembled, but was interrupted by the waters of Luna Lake that began to bubble violently as if they were brought to the boil. "Beanni move back!" he called out, and tried to pull his daughter away from the lake.

But she refused to budge.

"No, Dad, stop. Just watch," Beanni said in a strange trance - her gaze not leaving the violent surface of the bubbling water. A delighted laugh then left her, making Lorrus jump. She pointed towards the water, which suddenly went still. It began to glow with a light that grew from the centre. It grew bigger and bigger, wider and wider until it broke through the water's much calmer surface. A large orb of silvery light rose slowly up past the tops of the surrounding trees to take its seat in the night sky above.

"Gealach Trabem!" Lorrus gasped, he couldn't take his eyes off it. He felt so blessed to witness such ancient magic. The sheer size of the orb took his breath away. He blinked, then looked towards where his daughter was standing, but she was gone. "Bay? Beanni?" he called out, looking around for her, then his eyes landed on his daughter who was out upon the lake. She was walking gracefully upon the water's surface - as if she weighed nothing more than a fallen leaf. Once he got over the initial shock of what he was seeing, he shouted for her. "Beanni!"

Beanni stopped, standing directly beneath the risen moon. She turned towards Lorrus and he noticed for the first time the bright violet light within her eyes.

"Bay?" He choked as he fell to his knees upon the pebbly shore. His gaze fixated on the violet glow that radiated from his daughter.

"Sìcem Natanstrellean." He watched his daughter's lips move but a strange voice he had never heard before left her. "Tha uilis beneth. Illuminare-Trabem alligailte ell."

"I don't understand!" Lorrus shouted, the fear that he felt made his voice break. "Bay What's happening? What's happening with you?"

"Peace Natanstrellean." The same voice spoke again but this time brought in Beanni's more familiar tone and mixed it amongst its resounding sound. "All is well. Illuminare-Trabem has got her."

Beanni then looked up and the silvery light of Gealach Trabem washed over her face. She lifted her arms and stood upon her tip-toes. It looked as though she was following instructions of some kind, but Lorrus didn't hear anything speaking to her. How he wished he could go to her, to hold her in his arms, where he knew she'd be safe. It was after that thought came to his mind that he then saw Beanni begin to float up into the air.

"Bay! No, Bay!" he yelled after her and began to run towards the lake, but of course, when his feet reached the end of the shore they plummeted straight through to the water weed covered ground that lay beneath. He refused to give up. He waded through the cool waters, as far as he could, but he didn't manage to get anywhere near her. She disappeared from sight - taken into the great light orb in the night sky. Her presence gave the orb a new violet hue.

Lorrus treaded water as he drank in the sight. There was nothing he could do. Gealach Trabem took his daughter, the girl he always hoped for, the girl that Illuminare-Trabem had blessed him with. The one the great power prompted him to name Beanni - after the first ever Natanstrellean. The girl which the ancient prophecy spoke about.

He always knew deep down that this day would come. He of course had no incline of what it would entail or what indeed it all meant. All he could do now was trust Illuminare-Trabem. He made his way back to the shore, and collapsed upon the numerous pebbles. Turning around again, he looked up at the moon which glowed violet in the sky. Trusting Illuminare-Trabem was easier said than done, especially after seeing all that his daughter had to go through.

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