Chapter 3

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Bolting further away from where demolition had been suffused, Reimu found her flight abilities had diminished thanks to the immense power the shrine maiden somehow underestimated when she came into close proximity with Remilia. Along the way, she couldn't help but chastise herself for engaging without a plan in mind on how to murder the supercilious vampire, but Reimu decided she didn't need to dwell on these thoughts for the time being.

After all, Reimu came to terms with herself. She needed to learn how to live with her choices, and that one in particular was no exception.

The shrine maiden knew exactly what her course of action would entail - likely provoking the gap youkai's wrath once she had been indoctrinated everything, but Reimu walked her own path if the need to exchange words arose. When it would occur, she did not know, nor did she care.

For the time being, recovering from her wounds drizzled by creatures would be best.

When the Hakurei Shrine threw off the tarp to reveal its presence, Reimu dove headfirst with the qualities of a paper airplane, maneuvering her body at the correct angle to land on her feet. An outlandish urge impacted her to command she check the donation box, but the dry blood splattered on her cheek postponed the desire.

The shrine maiden enveloped herself within the atmosphere of her home, flipping a light switch to settle in the familiar arms of where she belonged. Exploring the familiarity still haunted her with insecurity, swarming around her like badgering gnats that savored every bite.

Reimu could feel that bitter pill she swallowed earlier regurgitate itself - this dilemma proving far too bothersome than she originally thought. The suffocating air did not assist her peril either, as more philosophical questions came to consume her morbid change in morality. They beseeched her, pleaded with her, a final last ethical hand reached out to tell her there still was a chance to make things right.

And Reimu swatted the hand down, ripped the thorn out of her side, and concentrated on washing away the blood on her face.

Nothing good comes out of giving up once you've started, Reimu told herself, steering herself away further from rationality. I made my choice, and I'm committed to finishing the job. I don't care what my friends or enemies tell me; they'll realize soon enough why I did what I did.

Lightly tapping a towel that cleansed the wounds, the shrine maiden walked off her broken bones. She would sleep briefly however, but she figured resting with a good meal would keep her senses and health at a propitious level. The challenges she was bound to face told her overcoming something as "minor" as broken bones would be one step closer to achieving her goal.

As she pulled out the items necessary to produce hopefully something ediable, Reimu was bitten with regret, realizing she could've confiscated some food or ingredients at the mansion to keep her energy up. But the shrine maiden knew better than to risk returning, certain that a specific tengu, crow reporter was photographing the scene. She would be a deer caught in the taillights which would only beleaguer the situation because of sheer folly.

After cooking her meal and settling down to eat, Reimu contemplated on the larger threats that may ambush her during the quest she was on. The Scarlet Devil Mansion ulteriorly hid an abominable mass of pure destruction in the basement known as Flandre Scarlet - sister to Remilia - childish and immature yet deadly and sadistic when the leash holding her was unbuckled.

Reimu pensively sipped the tea she prepared upon knowing Patchouli would restrict such catastrophic force, lessening any doubts the shrine maiden herself would be in peril throughout her journey to salvation, so killing off Flandre was not necessary.

Knock knock

Reimu perked up at the unanticipated guest appearing at the door, dropping her teacup onto the table. If a youkai was intending on murdering her, a courteous entrance was abnormal, and Reimu knew better than to be unprepared at this unknown foe. Grabbing the purification rod, the shrine maiden's countenance tightened further as she slowly opened the door and peered to see...

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