Chapter 11

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There had been multifarious statements regarding Gensokyo's dilapidated and decimated state; rampant and uncontrolled without many helping hands to interfere, the continuous foaming bloodshed was a shampoo that blew and entrapped youkai in bubbles that the shrine maiden popped. Aided by her newfound and foreign partner brandishing an emerald of indignation and ready to strike, her path for demolishing more incident-doers was dramatically increased to impressive proportions.

By the recollection of memory, Reimu acknowledged her forgettable defeat at the hands of Yuuka and replaced this burning memory with a consensus that if she hadn't received help, she would've fallen. As if Mima was an arsenal equipped with ammunition and plenty of first aid, Reimu made sure to utilize every bullet that the vengeful spirit possessed in her overwhelming power threatening to the likes of youkai and oni's.

However, the four-leaf clever holding the shrine maiden was imminently bound to be hapless. Her actions awakened the entirety of Gensokyo to hold ten thousand fists in the air, as they dressed themselves for war and furrowed their brows; they were more than ready to unleash hell upon her.

But that was vanishingly pathetic compared to the time limit expiring its generous gift, bursting into bits and pieces whilst a new, a sage began to escape their chamber of slumber. Their bones stiffened for a moment - the never-ending scenery of various objects floating past their eyes never seemed to amuse them in the atmosphere they dwelled in.

If ignorance was a mist blinding their judgment, surely the incident would've been well-nigh nonexistent due to never perceiving it. Henceforth, when the sage viewed a portal that revealed all the knowledge that she needed to know...

...she didn't need further communication to tell her that she needed to put an end to this bloodshed immediately.


Floating inanimate objects, doors moving left and right all in polychromatic colors that brightly illuminated the darkened atmosphere a certain sage dwelled in. By means of observation, the average human could tell their environment for this obscene and abstract area wasn't worth remaining here for long; and yet, if curiosity was a woodpecker beaking their bones, the bothersome pain would've told the master of this place.

The Land of the Back Door contained an extramundane, extradimensional allure that terrified those who visited it. This hollow and seemingly endless world blew the sound of an alarm that discovery wasn't worth the trouble, but to three specific individuals, this location was home and an all-perfect destination to relax. Problems were nonexistent, observations were the whetstone of entertainment, and it appeared its revered sage was busy catching up on the details as of late.

"Hmph," the secret god of Gensokyo huffed, sensing something was amiss, "I can tell something is not right here. I had expected Gensokyo to retain its overall population and whatnot, but it appears something big is occurring."

Indeed, the secret and hidden god known as Okina Matara had finally realized the reaper of a shrine maiden was wrecking havoc across Gensokyo once she explored it through her doors. Every door she opened only revealed more grisly murders and eldritch events going about Gensokyo; deaths numerous and horror lurking secretly in the shadows.

"What a truly horrific sight," Okina said, closing the door and sitting on her throne. "I should've interfered earlier and put this cretin in their place. Who could be responsible for such heartless bloodshed?"

While ignorance is certainly bliss, this time it only festered more problems that the secret god had now been bestowed into solving without knowing who committed these atrocities. Okina was well-aware relaxing and turning a blind eye to this would be contemptible and disgraceful, and as a protector of Gensokyo, the scenery was the undertaker for her usual lack of concern. Now, with a monster on the loose, it was time for one of the most revered sages to get involved...

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