Chapter 6

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Trailing down through the vacant, pitch black sky hosting a handful of constellations with each soundless step, Reimu embarked on the secret journey that required not encountering any hindrances or unnecessary distractions whilst motioning closer towards Hakugyokurou. Even though flying would have been a faster means of travel, the shrine maiden considered it far too risky given she hypothesized everyone was out for her blood to paint whole galaxies red once they obtained it.

Reimu knew better than to make her presence known to anybody, utilizing the tenebrous atmosphere that swallowed her to her advantage. It was briefly thought out by the shrine maiden that most individuals were ignorant or far too stubborn to change their mind she was a murderer considering it was taboo, and this inference held water based on her heroic deeds she carried out in the past.

If worse came to worst, Reimu decided she could possibly masquerade or bear the agonizing burden for becoming a recluse. In times of turmoil, chaos, and fear, the main culprit should hide their motivations and remain inconspicuous so conspiracies did not bludgeon their reputation, yet retain a demeanor which could deceive the gullible hearts into believing you're not the one responsible for such malignant actions.

Vigilance was significant for the shrine maiden to take the role on, teetering her head left to right and checking for the slightest movements, dangers, or anything unnatural in the moonlight's rays. When not a trace nor any life but the chirping of crickets and nighttime ambiance tacitly told Reimu her pathway was clear, the shrine maiden couldn't help but crack a bloodthristy grin as she approached her destination with abnormal speed.

Fun wasn't a concept Reimu considered when resolving incidents by driving her questionable expurgation splattered with their ichor, but as her incessant victories over the strongest enemies she's faced rank up on swift wings, confidence and pride for how an onerous task was now a cakewalk seeped into her brain. The more Reimu thought about it, she suddenly realized...

She was starting to enjoy this.

Although these incorrigible thoughts pricked her mind, the needle digging deeper into her heroism eviscerated any trace it located, bleeding it out until it malfunctioned. The long overdue comeuppance for those who caused incidents previously was rapidly approaching and the eerie stench of inappropriate fun belonging to this mission made it arrive quicker than expected.

As fortune bestowed the shrine maiden no bothersome pests who dared to postpone her, Reimu spotted a gargantuan staircase having a ridiculous amount of steps required to reach the top. The shrine maiden's decisions mixed and shifted for what entrance should she make in order to deal with the ghost princess's servant which would be a cinch to defeat: A loud, boisterous entrance or a silent and deadly one that could take care of the swordswoman before she noticed who entered their premises.

On normal circumstances would Reimu choose to pick a stealthy option but given her mind was corrupted by the idealistic route for fun, the shrine maiden decided the best approach was the one that got her the most entertainment out of watching meager youkai plead for their by her hands. Fueled by ambition, the shrine maiden readied her purification rod to prepare another sweeping of problematic lives in the world of Gensokyo...


"I wonder if Yuyuko-sama is aware of what happened recently..."

Hakugyokurou's beauty and meretricious allure evidenced by the cherry blossom flowers and lanterns instead was replaced by the dead of night that flooded every lightsource it could see into an almost vantablack shade. Albeit peaceful nights kept the setting alight to any visitors who may arrive, the newspapers warning about a murderer on the loose hinted inaction wouldn't be the wisest choice to trek down.

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