Chapter 5

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The reportings on multifarious deaths sweeping the once peaceful land of Gensokyo were reducing the state to a dystopia of trepidation--fear garnishing every particle and speck with unrelenting artillery. Nobody believed they were safe in their own homes anymore, attempting to seek refuge instead in the company of allies or barricade themselves.

Hope was growing infinitesimal to choke serene minds into developing restless nights. This was further propagated by the fact no one was capable of contacting the sages to deal accordingly with whomsoever was wrecking havoc, and as a consequence, Gensokyo was being brought to its knees.

Theories for who was responsible were beginning were beginning to be more persuading given the destruction and killings of certain groups or individuals. Some speculated Remilia had been the culprit, but this erroneous assumption was overruled when her corpse was discovered recently on the roof of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

By far, the most acceptable explanation for the serial killer's identity was a rogue youkai. Despite its blatant flaws such as youkai only hunting humans for food, not a single soul believed the Hakurei shrine maiden would commit unprecedented bloodshed due to their previous heroic deeds.

To accuse Reimu out of all people was considered slanderous and immensely preposterous.

But to others who were fed first-hand proof down their gullet, they knew these tokens of knowledge would never repair their stubborn beliefs into authenticity.


Brushing aside the ripples of wind, Sakuya flew through the air to search for Keine's residence, hoping her vast experience and knowledge would be mandatory for putting a dent into Reimu's plans. The elegant maid knew Keine likely would not treat her with some hospitality given her mistress attacked Mokou on one occasion, but the significant matters at hand forfeited Sakuya's doubts to help her concentrate on what lied at stake.

Of course along the journey, the lone maid brought the abysmal news to the doorstep of any beings in her vicinity, especially who the perpetrator is. Anticipation for what reaction surfaced remained immutable, as every being denied Reimu could have any involvement no matter the circumstances nor how detailed Sakuya's elucidations were.

And so, the maid had decided the sole method for making Reimu's defeat conducive was to obtain allies intelligent enough to understand the situation. If reluctance reverberated off the dimwitted non-believers, draw yourself towards the ones who take the time to listen and weigh the truths hand-in-hand.

Making her way towards the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, Sakuya's peripheral vision captured two figures running, hellbent on avoiding an invisible danger the maid could not ascertain. Lowering herself near the couple, Sakuya discovered the two beings were none other than Reisen and Tewi panicking with every crunch of grime they made.

Just what exactly are they running from? Sakuya pondered, noticing the two were checking the map. Perhaps it's best I find out.

The moon rabbit and black-haired rabbit continued to press on until they suddenly saw the elegant maid appear in their path, holding the palm of her hand out. However, the two rabbits were barely able to stop themselves due to the crippling fear breathing on the back of their necks, surprising Sakuya for a moment but the maid recuperated upon the empirical sight of Reisen and Tewi finally halting their footing.

"Please, do not move," Sakuya sighed but gave the assertive demand. "There is-"

"Just who exactly are you?" The elegant maid heard the taller rabbit's voice bellow with indignation, as the bunny's eyes took on the crimson glow of red. "My Master demanded I get back to Eientei, and you are in the way. Get back or I'll be forced to shoot. Step back, Tewi!"

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