Chapter 8

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Thick darkness glamorizing the surrounding trees were rippled by a powerful gush of wind flowing from the shrine maiden, steering through its spots with pinpoint accuracy whilst remaining clear of any daring targets glaring at her in turpitude accompanied by bitter vengeance. Traversing the landscape without permitting fear to seize and silence the voice of reason floating in Reimu's mind, she was hellbent on achieving mandatory bandages at a cost for the grueling battle she tore through without any indication for slowing.

Constant reminders dwelled within her subconscious, reiterating movement and vigilance was of utmost importance for those preying and ready to pounce on the forlorn shrine maiden. Although these reasonable fears scaled largely against what Reimu could tolerate, a morphine dosage assuaging these detrimental thoughts cooled her frightened blood since knowledge fed her a bite that said trust still had been placed onto her. Nothing, not even the harshness of the weather, would result in a hiatus for this tedious journey Reimu sought to cleanse.

As time sauntered by in its bothersome strides, the shrine maiden began spotting Eientei appearing into view from afar, vacant and antiquated with lanterns and disposed for certain luxuries. Satisfying her worn-out mind by spoonfeeding it inferences based off the murder of Kaguya, Eirin, and Mokou, Reimu did not need to squander the clock's blessings when she descended towards its intimidating entrance laden with accursed grey paint streaking its walls.

Eientei is going to be out of business with those three gone, the shrine maiden boasted, lightly landing on the wooden surface not containing a fragment for a humiliating failure, so it will be easier getting what I need.

Ignoring the trepidation plastering its corroding acid and persuasive voice, Reimu ascertained nobody was in close proximity before proceeding to slam open the doors, reveling in the tenebrous atmosphere's darkening embrace for a moment until scattering these obscenities. The shrine maiden's footsteps quietly echoed through the silenced mouth of Eientei whose infrastructure wielded a lengthy hallway where traveling through ignorantly concluded deadly consequences would emerge should attention be discarded without due consideration.

Although the empty and haunting halls were sufficient in deterring intruders from faulty beliefs stating they were secure in prevailing through it, these beliefs would be vomited into a slurry of truths once a couple minutes passed containing not the slightest hint indicating their location. Finding significant and useful tools while utilizing them to obviate difficulties would be immensely rare given this labyrinth shone despair into the pure hearts of humans.

However, Reimu's heart had been permanently stained with the blood ejected through her victims deserving no greater prize than their life evaporating by her hands alone. Dwelling upon these abstract thoughts, the shrine maiden made sure to not leave herself vulnerable for any possible liars by keeping her eyes peeled for any movements not done from her extremities.

"What a place to be," Reimu nonchalantly admired the flickering lights teetering back and forth on a string, "But I came here to collect something I need. Where could the bandages possibly be?"

Prayers whom originally came up to be evidently impossible to receive an answer for gifted Reimu through divine providence when she spotted approximately what object she was concentrated on collecting recuperate her waning patience as it sat upon a shelf. It did not take a hawk's eye to discern the noticeable cloth worming its way through infinitesimal cracks Reimu had spotted from afar.

"Good, so that's where they were."

Entering the room she recognized as Eirin's office, Reimu dug through the cabinets until her hand caught the sealing comfort produced by the doctor's unique brain of the moon which could effectively prevent bleeding and administer the correct treatment far surpassing any ordinary bandages the shrine maiden had encountered. These fortunes were casted aside by the dilemma's urgent call to action that required hurrying before any individual may arrive falsely choking on the bitter pill of ignorance that Eirin was still alive.

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