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Veer calls the CEO

Veer: your daughter is with me.. CEO: what nonsense she is in her room..
Veer: Go check thenHe checks the room and she is not there.

CEO: Who are you what do you want..
Veer: what do i want.. Hmm.. I'll have to think about it.. But for now.. If you want your daughter to be safe.. just keep this thing (that she is kidnapped) to yourself..Don't try to act smart.. I will be watching your every move.. One wrong step.. And your daughter will be dead..

Author pov
The CEO doesn't let anyone know about it because it was not only just his daughter's life but also his prestige..he just waits for veer's orders.

Bani's pov
It's already past night.. I'm so hungry.. And then veer came into the room with pizza..
I was hell was shocked because I really love pizza.. And he came with it..
He came near me and said "I know that you love pizza.. That is why I bought..
Just to tell you that I am not going to harm you.. I have some work to be done with your father..
I told him "okay
He fed me that pizza with his hands.. He didn't untie me.. I asked him to untie but it seems he doesn't trust me..

Two days later..

Veer came into my room and was so surprised.. He saw me lying down surrounded by blood.. He was so shocked..He came running to me.. He took me in his arms and asked "are you alright.. are hurt anywhere.. Why are you bleeding so much

I couldn't even answer him properly.. I was feeling so weak...

I just looked around and told him.. "I'm on my period..i need

Menstruation pads"

He looked a little surprised and he was worried about me.... I understood that it was his first time seeing a woman like that..

I took all my strength and told him.. "I'm fine.. This happens to every woman..every month..So don't worry.. just go buy some pads... He said OK and left..He went to a convenience store and kept looking for a pad..

When he found them he was confused which one to take.. (as you know we have so many options)An old lady passing by saw him and understood that it was his first time...

she came near him and said are buying that for your Girlfriend?"

he immediately said.. No..not girlfriend..Then she said "ah.. Wife.. He felt embarrassed to reject her again so he said "yeah.. For my wife.. "she took a pad and gave it to him.. While leaving she said "take care of her.. During these times she needs more of your affection and love.. Buy her some sweets..She will love it.. And an ice pack when she is in pain.. He heard everything and thanked her for help..While returning.. He got everything that lady mentioned... He took so much care of me for that entire week.. I just fell in love with him.. no bani he is your kidnapper He came back to my room and Gave me his clothes to change..this week we became much closer.. I was given freedom to Roam in the house as if it was my house..

Author pov
Meanwhile in that week veer called the CEO and asked him to resign his post and publicly apologize to all the employees working under him for being rude to them.. The CEO agreed to do it..

I wanted to have a drink with him.. So I went to his room and asked "do you want to have a drink with me?We both grabbed a beer and started to drink..
I asked him what was his favorite thing to do when he is happy.. He said "I like to go near the rivers.." I smiled at him and said" hmm.. In that case if I ever have to find you.. I will have to look near river.. Ah.

He smiled..smiled at him and said" hmm.. In that case if I ever have to find you.. I will have to look near river.. Ah.

He smiled..

I got so drunk..

I looked at him and said.. "veer I..

To be continue 😗

Chaloo ab wait karlo kai bani kya bolnai vali hai

Update de diya toh ab tum target complete karo agar nhi hova toh no updates 🙃


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