Children (desleep)

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( I know, it's annoying to have this happen, but I decided I'd make a nostalgic One shot for MULTISHIPPERSUNITE and Thelovemaria_17 as they were both around during most of the now discontinued Janus's Instagram. So this should be extremely nostalgic for them. Also if you couldn't tell this is one of my favorite ships.)
Au: human.
Any crossovers: just a reference to EgoNation first Danti book in the most obscure way that I will actually mention the reference it's self in the actual book because goddamnit no one would recognize it without clarification it is that obscure.
Time: 2:39 AM (I know I should be getting sleep and not letting my phone just stick in the 20% charge range, but I really want to get this out.

-3rd p0v-

Remy groggily set up, gently rubbing his husband's head. He and Janus had been together for 20 years, their relationship starting in college. Remy sat up and left the bedroom to make coffee when he heard soft crying coming from the second bedroom.

He entered to see his daughter Gracie trying to comfort her twin brother Alex, who was hugging the family *ferret skeeter. "Hey bud... why are you up so early it's two in the morning" Remy said, kneeling down next to his children. "S-skeeter won't w-wake up a-and Gracie said she-she died.." Alex said through tears. Remy gently placed a hand on the ferret and couldn't feel a heartbeat or her breathing. " i'm sorry kid, but Gracie is right, Skeeter went up to join her best friend polin" Remy said, gently hugging Alex.

" i'll tell you what, once your papa wakes up will have a funeral for her, she'll be buried right next to Polin" Remy said, gently rubbing his sons back " in the meantime you guys get some sleep, you have school today" Remy said, picking Alex up and placing them in the top bunk of the bunkbed the twins had, Gracie quickly rushed to her bed and tell Jon her father's pajama shirt. " can you give Carleen to Alex Dad, whenever I get sad she comforts me" The young girl said, smiling softly.

Remy nodded and gave Alex Gracies stuffed *koala. Gracie smiled and climbed into her bed, quickly falling asleep while Alex just hugged Carleen until he fell asleep. As soon as Alex closed his eyes, Remy had picked up Skeeter and carried her out of the bedroom, bringing her into the living room and placing her in a shoebox. The coffee addict sighed, knowing that Alex would be less up to play with his best friend Zach after this.

"Hun.. what happened?" Janus asked groggily, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness. " skeeter died and the twins found out before we could figure it out, we're going to have to have her funeral soon" Remy said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Oh... well, she was a good ferret, do you know how she died?" Janus asked. " it was probably of old age but it technically was heat season for ferrets, so I wouldn't put it past that as the reasoning" Remy said, walking over to his lover. " we're both gonna have to make it up for the twins, they were really attached to her. She was lucky to survive the first three times" Remy remarked, A small tinge of regret on his face.

Remy was caught off gaurd by a kiss from Janus, but slowly melted into it. In reality he was sad when the kids ended "You did a great job comforting the kids hun." Janus said softly, picking up skeeter's 'coffin' so he could seal it. "Thanks babes" Remy said, giving his husband a quick peck on the cheek, causing the man to blush a lot. "Heh, do you still get flustered when I give you light kisses? man you're adorable" Remy sanders as Janus went into his workshop.

( *1 that is the reference, I told you it was extremely obscure and I meant it

*2 One of the most useless animals as natures hood says)

In all honesty thank you for reading, and if you enjoy these please do leave requests

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