Midnight secret ( dukani)

56 2 6

Category: fluff

Tw: suspense ( the good kind) & reference to the story broken

Au: human au

Remus and Emile had been dating for a while now, yet no one knew about it. The biggest reason as to why it's because Patton hated Remus's guts, and forbid anyone from dating him. The same went for Janus but that didn't stop Logan from eventually getting caught cuddling Janus on the couch.

It was 11:14 when Emile snuck over to Remus's room, they often cuddled or had fun (playing smash Bros or Pokémon on the switch! Get your mind out the gutter!!) and tonight was no exception. Emile softly knocked on Remus's door, knocking in a code that he and Remus made up. Remus then opened the door and smiled.

Emile slipped in, making sure no one was their. Once he was in here mediately tackle hugged Remus onto the bed. Remus took note of the playful attitude tonight. Remus had grown to understand a little silent code Emile had, if he was seemingly tired or he was calm, they would play video games, and when he was excited or playful, he wanted cuddles. So Remus gently hugged Emile and pull the covers over both of them, allowing them to snuggle into each other.

At around 2:00 am, Emile and Remus woke up to hear Patton waking the others, and Emile quickly slipped under the bed hiding his presence as Patton opened the door " morning rat" Patton said in a scrutinizing town " breakfast is downstairs" he added, closing the door and walking away, both Remus and Emile sighed with relief of there relationship still being a secret, despite that being a close call. Emile crawled out from under the bed, and begin just chatting with Remus in order to divert suspicion away if anyone were to come in afterwards. Little did they know that Virgil had recorded what he saw last night, wanting to get back on Patton's good side after getting slapped........

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