Injured ( logicality)

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(what do you guys think about me putting cute pictures of the ship above?)

Logan woke up to hear Virgil screaming, he was used to this but this time it sounded much different, as if he was scared. As Logan got up and changed into his clothes, he could have sworn he heard Roman panicking, which was unusual for the fantisfull side. This caused Logan to worry a little.

as he headed downstairs he saw the following scene, Virgil, having what appears to be eight eyes like a spider and spider limbs protruding from his back hissing at a terrified Remus, Roman screaming in fear as Janus seem to be holding a plague doctor mask, Janus, placing his thumb and pointer finger on the sides of his nose and shaking his head. And Patton, holding his stomach as if he just got attacked by Roman. Logan walked over to Patton and picked him up bridal style and said " someone explain what the hell is going on here" " Remus thought it be a hilarious prank to have Patton wear a plague doctor mask in front of Roman, Roman freaked out and attacked Patton, not realizing it was Patton, and now Virgil is yelling at him" Janus said, very annoyed at everyone except Logan and Patton that the moment " The only reason I was able to put that together though was because I walked into the room just as I saw Roman slicing Patton. It's too early for this bullshit and I want to sleep" Janus said.

Logan glared at Roman, Who had a guilty look on his face " Roman, I get you're scared of plague doctors, but think before you attack!" Logan said, carrying the moral trait to his room. Unfortunately leaving Janus to try and solve this issue. Once Logan got to his room with Patton, he placed the smaller side on his bed " on a scale of 1 to 10 how much does it hurt?" Logan asked, summoning a med kit " eight" Patton said, wincing softly as Logan lifted his shirt to clean the wound. As Logan wrapped a bandage around Patton's stomach, Patton blushed a bit, seeing Logan show emotions of concern in front of him.

Once Logan finished, he snapped his fingers, placing Patton in his cat onesie " you need rest Patton" Logan said, making sure he put Patton under the covers. As he was walking out, Patton grabbed Logan's arm " c-could you stay with me logie?" Patton asked, doubting that Logan would say yes " sure Patton" Logan said, surprising the fatherly trait. The logical side snapped his fingers into his unicorn onesie (I really like the fact he has a unicorn onesie, it's adorable and I love it) and getting under the covers next to Patton, allowing the moral side to snuggle into his chest. Once he was sure Patton was asleep, he whispered to himself "feel better soon mi Amor" softly drifting off.


Thomas woke up because of the racket going on in his head and decided to investigate, when he appeared, he saw the same scene that Logan saw, except Janus was trying to use his cane in order to hold Virgil back "VIRGIL YOU ARE NOT KILLING REMUS!!" Janus said. At this moment Thomas had seen enough and staying out of Mindscape, waking up in his bed again and waiting for everything to calm the Frick down

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