Intro Part 3~

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When Percy finally woke up, he had no idea where he was.

He looked around and saw that he was in the garden but the dragon was gone.

'What in Hades..'

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke, "Perseus you've done well and proven me wrong."

He turned around to see Athena standing there with a golden apple in her hand.

As much as he hated it he bowed down, "Lady Athena, I've done the quests that you asked me to do. Do I have your approval now?"

The reply came quickly, "Yes you do. But I'm still not fond of you, and I want you to know that I will send you to Tartarus if you hurt my daughter."

He smiled, "I've been there already.. But I won't hurt her you know that."

"Perhaps that's true, but you can never tell with you demigods."

'Like you gods are any better,' Percy thought to himself.

Athena smiled, "We are but at the same time we aren't."

"You read my mind?"

"Yes, being a god does have perks like that. Now I assume you want to go back to camp and brag about your deed of killing the dragon?"

Percy replied instantly, "No. I don't want anyone to try and steal the apples... But how did I kill him?"

She thought about it, "I honestly don't know how you did it. But you did. Now I hope you'll be able to find your way home."

And with that she vanished.

Percy cursed to himself, 'You got to be kidding me! You left me here just like that?'

He closed his eyes and began to concentrate, calling for Blackjack.

The reply came, "I'm on my way boss."

"Enough with the boss thing Blackjack."

About five minutes later, Blackjack landed next to Percy.

"Yo Boss can we get some donuts before we get to camp?"

Percy smiled, "We'll get some donuts once we get to Camp Jupiter."

"The Roman Camp? Why not our camp boss?"

"I want to rest before I get home Blackjack. Besides I want to see some of my friends. If I'm right they're still visiting Camp Jupiter."

"Alright boss. Whatever you say!"

"Let me just send an iris message before we leave alright?"

"Sure boss but you gonna need a rainbow though!"

"I know Blackjack."

After much struggling, Percy finally managed to get a rainbow.
"Of Fleecy do me a solid, show me Jason Grace at.. At camp Jupiter."

The image appeared, Jason seemed to be cleaning his bed in the barracks of the fifth cohort.

Percy called out, "Jason!"

Jason turned around, his eyes widened, "Percy! Where have you been?"

"I've been on a top secret quest for Athena. How's everyone?"

"Everyone's fine. Only thing is Octavian seems to have vanished. Nobody's seen him in four months."

"Four? Has anyone else gone?"

Jason tried to think, "Like three others disappeared too, we're searching for them but we can't seem to find a trace of them."

Percy looked at the ground, as much as he disliked Octavian he hoped he was okay. "Jason I'm gonna get there today but spread the word, me being there has to be secret."

Jason rubbed his head, "Yeah I'll try to tell everyone. But why the secrecy?"

Percy smiled, "Well I want Annabeth to be surprised by my return."

Jason nodded, "Okay I'll spread the word. How soon will you get here?"

Percy thought about it for a bit, "I'll get there in around an hour at the latest."

Jason nodded again, "Okay we'll be expecting you at then."

Percy swiped his hand through the iris message, ending it.

He turned to find Blackjack grazing, "Hey buddy, let's go."

He got on Blackjack, as he started soaring up to the sky and on to Camp Jupiter.


That's the end of the intro! So the official first chapter will be up soon!

Hope you enjoy! :) :p

The Doom Trilogy(PJO and Kane Chronicles fanfic): Book 1; The Two Sides MeetWhere stories live. Discover now