The Vision

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Sorry about the bad title! Dedicated to anyone who's reading still, specifically tiara123458 and tammycat95 !


While Percy was unconscious he had strange visions. Even by demigod standards.

It was a strange dream/vision.

He dreamt he was watching the boy Carter lead a bunch of teens and.. Were those gods? Into battle against a giant snake monster.

He saw Carter giving a speech in a hall with magical walls.

Then the dream got even weirder. He saw a falcon headed man dressed in ancient.. Egyptian armor? With a sword, exactly like Carter's, give the exact same speech to the strange deities.

Then it got even weirder than that.
Suddenly Percy was the falcon headed man. He was swung his sword, that looked like Riptide from one side and a curved sword like Carter's from the other side, at dozens of snake headed monsters.

Then he was swinging the sword at giant crocodile monsters.

Suddenly he wasn't the falcon headed man anymore, Percy was facing him. The falcon headed man pointed at something in the darkness and said, "Look, your enemy awakens. Setne tries to resurrect him as we speak. We have very little time."

"Who are you? What enemy?" Suddenly he felt a very familiar presence. His "body" felt extremely cold.

'Could it be... No it can't be'

"It is. Setne will not rest until he manages to resurrect him, and his kind. Then they will join forces and destroy both our worlds. Find Carter, have him teach you my path, the path of Horus. Only together do we stand a chance against this... This deadly alliance between our enemies."

"If this really is him, then I have to warn Olympus!"

"They already know. There is no stopping his resurrection. Hades and even my father Osiris are trying to delay his return."

"If Olympus knows already then why haven't they warned us? Why haven't they told us so we can get ready?"

"They have allowed me to contact you. And to have your hand give off spurts of magic to alert Carter, you need us, just like we need you...." He tensed and the whole vision became blurry.

"Your body is waking Percy, find Carter! Don't forget..."

Suddenly Percy woke up.

The left side of his face felt like it was burning.

His right hand felt like it was throbbing in pain.

He groaned as he rubbed his eyes with his left hand.

He sat up in his bed, 'Oh gods what the Hades happened?'

Then it all came back to him.

He looked onto a small table, there was some ambrosia, a mirror and a note.

The note read, "Dear Percy, as soon as you wake find Argus outside your cabin. He'll escort you to the big house where you may see me and we can discuss what happened. We've bandaged your hands and face but there's ambrosia to help you heal. Please see me immediately once you wake up."

Percy grunted and put the letter down. He grabbed the mirror and looked at himself.

He had a whole bunch of bandages on the left side of his face, there was one on the right side.

The Doom Trilogy(PJO and Kane Chronicles fanfic): Book 1; The Two Sides MeetWhere stories live. Discover now