War Games

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Dedicated to tiara123458

-------------------------------------------- Percy agreed with Hazel, it was a stupid idea.

But hey, stupid ideas seemed to work fine for him. Besides, the defenders wouldn't expect this, and the attackers would need any advantage they could get against them.

Percy and Hazel charged, but they went around the rest of the cohorts which were blindly mobbing at the gates of the fortress, trying to break them in.

Percy nudged Hazel, "So much for practicing strategy."

She smiled, "Well I doubt there's gonna be a need of us attacking a fortress anytime soon."

He chuckled, "True enough."

They were sneaking around the front part of the wall. If they could get to the side, Hazel could easily shadow travel them up there without using to much energy.

Just as they decided on which part of the wall had the least amount of guards, Jason called out to them, "Going somewhere?"

They turned around to see Jason and Piper.

Piper smiled, "You didn't think we'd know you'd try to open the gates for them?"

Percy sighed, "Well we were hoping you'd believe we were with the rest of the cohorts. But..."

He uncapped Riptide.

Jason lifted his sword, and Piper drew hers.

Piper and Hazel moved away from the guys.

Jason and Percy started circling each other, neither wanting to strike first.

Percy stepped forward, Jason mirrored his moves.

Percy smiled, "Is that a new sword Jason?"

Jason looked surprised, "What? No it's the same-"

He was cut off as Percy swung Riptide at him. He barely had enough time to raise his own sword to block.

Sparks flew as the two magical swords collided.

Percy swung Riptide at Jason's legs.

Again Jason barely had enough time to block. This time he countered with a swing at Percy's side.

Percy jumped back to avoid being hit.

He switched his sword to his left hand, and just as he did;
Jason tried for another swing to the left of Percy, and with a flick of his wrist he changed it to a swing at Percy's right.

Percy couldn't get his sword to block fast enough.

He did the only thing he could, he tried to grab the sword.

From hid hand a gold light flashed, and a blast of golden energy sent Jason flying back ten feet right into the wall.

The blast was so powerful in fact that once it hit the wall, the wall began to collapse.

All of the attacking cohorts stopped their attack to stare in wonder as the wall began to collapse on it's own.

Huge blocks of stone were falling, they were going to crush Jason.

Percy raised his hand and cried out, "No!"

Another golden blast destroyed the falling blocks, so all that fell on Jason was dust and small pebbles.

Once most of the wall had collapsed, the attacking cohorts easily ran in and stormed the fort.

In the end Dakota got the banners. [Again is it banners?]

The Doom Trilogy(PJO and Kane Chronicles fanfic): Book 1; The Two Sides MeetWhere stories live. Discover now