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After explaining his dream to Chiron and Carter they were silent.

Chiron seemed swallowed, trying to process the news. "This is indeed troubling. And you're sure his host allows him more power than Luke's did?"

Percy nodded, "He bragged about that. He even seemed to radiate power."

Carter cleared his throat, "So when will we tell the others?"

"We can tell them now if you're able to walk Percy." When Percy nodded he continued, "We should leave out the part about him being even stronger. Their courage will already be tested. No need to give them even more to be fearful of."

Percy struggled to get up, he was able to but he still felt rather tired. In fact he almost fell over. Carter managed to catch him.

"Dude are you alright?!"

Percy tried to shake him off, "I'm fine.. I'm fine!" Carter let him go, "I just need to eat.. "

Carter turned to Chiron, "I can get him to the dining pavilion. Would you want us to meet you at the Big House?"

Chiron shook his head, "There'll be some food at the Big House. Get him there, I'll gather the campers and your group."

After having explained Percy's vision to those in the meeting -the counselors, the magicians and Frank- Carter could see some worry in their eyes.

Percy was eating donuts as if he didn't have a care in the world. He muttered something about Blackjack missing out, which Carter didn't understand.

Nico shrugged, "That's not possible. If Kronos had risen with a new body my father and I would've felt it. Nothing to do with death and the Underworld slips by me."

"Maybe you're not as powerful as you think," Percy muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Nico demanded.

Percy shrugged, "You heard me."

Before Nico could respond Chiron interrupted, "That's enough. We mustn't doubt Percy's vision." He turned to Nico, "It could be possible that the Egyptian spells used could slip past even you and your father Nico. We must act with this in mind. But thankfully we have our own allies who are magicians."

Sadie tilted her head looking bored, "That bloke Setne has the Book of Thoth. There's a whole load of spells he might have that we don't know about. But we'll stop him."

Zia nodded confidently, "We need to deal with Setne first. That way he can't bring your enemies back."

Frank agreed, "That sounds good. Only fight them once that way."

Carter nodded, "Yeah but how do we get him alone? Besides he's been escaping for centuries. We've tried getting him countless times. We keep failing."

"We'll get him and send him to Tartarus." Jason said very determinedly.

"Won't be easy." Percy grunted.

Nico shot him a look of annoyance, "Are you going to help at all? Or just make dumb comments?"

Percy glared at him, "I'm helping more than you could." He tilted his head, "As a matter of fact, aren't you going to run off soon like you always do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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The Doom Trilogy(PJO and Kane Chronicles fanfic): Book 1; The Two Sides MeetWhere stories live. Discover now