The Unfortunate Surprise

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Hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Dedicated to tiara123458 and anyone who's still reading!

As Blackjack landed by Halfblood hill it was getting dark again.

They would've gotten there in the morning, but Percy had gone to visit his mom before hand.

Once they got there Percy got off of Blackjack. "Go do your Pegasus things, we'll get some donuts tomorrow. Right now I'm gonna find Annabeth."

"Can't wait for the donuts boss! Good luck!" Blackjack took off into the sky, to do whatever it was he did on his spare time.

Percy walked up the hill to get a look of the camp. It looked exactly the same as it normally did. Percy thought, 'So nothings changed around here.. I guess this camp never will change.'

That's when he noticed a few new shrines to new gods. "Wow.. I guess Jason did keep his promise.

'Great now I'm talking to myself..'

He rushed down the hill, then headed for the Athena cabin. That's where he expected Annabeth to most likely be.

His heart raced, he couldn't believe that he was nervous about seeing his girlfriend again.

But then again he couldn't blame himself, Annabeth was one of a kind. She was his everything.

He started sweating. 'Great'

He couldn't believe this either, getting THIS nervous over seeing Annabeth again.

As he was coming up to the Athena cabin he ran into Annabeth's younger brother Malcolm. [did I spell it right?]

When he saw Percy his eyes widened, "Percy... How.. what.. What are you doing?"

Percy was a bit surprised by his reaction but he responded normally, "I'm back from my quest.. Where's Annabeth?"

Malcolm started sweating, "Oh she's.. She's down at the beach."

"Are you okay Malcolm?"

He replied nervously, "Yeah yeah I'm fine.."

"Okay, you look really nervous, maybe you should get some rest."

"Haha yeah... I'll think about that... Um once you find Annabeth.. Whatever you find just think about things okay..? Don't do anything.. Anything crazy."

"What do you mean Malcolm?"

"Oh you'll see.. Just promise me you won't do anything crazy."

"Okay I promise."

"Good.." Malcolm walked away awkwardly.

'I wonder what that was about..'

He didn't think much of it but he headed down to the beach, and sure enough he spotted her blonde hair in the dark light.

He really wanted to surprise her, so he snuck up behind her.

She hadn't noticed him and he was two feet away. She was completely concentrated on the sea.

He decided to call out, "Hey Wise Girl."

She turned around and when she saw it was Percy her hands flew to her mouth.

She whispered, "Oh my gods.."

Percy was surprised. He expected her to be happy but she looked like she was going to cry, and not in a good way.

The Doom Trilogy(PJO and Kane Chronicles fanfic): Book 1; The Two Sides MeetWhere stories live. Discover now