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As described in the previous note, the events within this segment of the narrative have not been confirmed. The majority of the DIAO Thaumatogenesis investigation being concluded, the events described at the DIAO in this volume seem to contradict solid fact, although the narrative also provides an explanation for this. I confirm that, around this time, Director Tarmont acted as described beginning in Part Two of the narrative, although I witnessed no clear motivation for this.

Certain sections of this volume of the narrative are marked as having been translated (presumably from another language to English) by an individual referred to as Cecelia Monke, along with a few select sections of the previous volume and several much larger sections later in the narrative. The first part of the Monke story, occurring later in the narrative, has been verified, although the remainder appears distinctly questionable. However, if the Monke story is true, it certainly provides a reason for the sections to be marked as such. "Alex" remains the narrator.

In this section of the narrative, the descriptions exceed the bounds of any type of proven fact, and, whether or not the events described are true, it provides a different way of examining thaumaturgy and different ideas of how to use it. --VP

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