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Lillian was only beginning to discover the applications of the Idea of Activation. Not only did it allow her to turn on lights and electronic devices, but also to control windows, retracting pens, and electrical outlets. Anything which had an "on" or "off" state could be controlled easily via Activation. It was already Lillian's favorite Idea- behind Detection, of course.

But, as always, she had to make sure no one was around when she used it.

Lillian sprawled back on the bed and sighed. Her newfound control of metalanguage felt empowering, but at the same time it was so discouraging that she wasn't able to use it around anyone except Kern. She wished she could tell Rachel or Rory or Morgan or Chris or Leslie what she was experiencing. She felt so alone having to hide her talents from everyone. As if it wasn't hard enough keeping from people that she was the infant from the Thaumatogenesis.

For instance, the entire situation with Daria. She was fortunate that she had been able to fix it that easily. If not for her fabricated story about the friend borrowing her shoes, she might have ruined Daria and Brandon's relationship. The very idea made her nervous.

And Kern's continued odd reactions to her use of metalanguage. If she had been any less skilled at reading facial expressions, she wouldn't have known what he was actually feeling. But she understood exactly what he was expressing. He was almost scared of her. She was apparently more powerful than he had ever been.


"I figured out what happened," Ashley announced, entering Dakota's office without warning. He glared sharply at the mirror from which she had emerged with a look that clearly conveyed she should let him know before barging in.

"What are you talking about?" Dakota asked, intrigued.

"Julian," Ashley announced. "I figured out what he was doing."

"Oh?" Dakota asked in expectation.

Ashley smirked. "He obliterated someone."

Dakota's eyes widened. "Who? Why?"

"Probably just for information that isn't there. They thought the DIAO had information about you, so they got Rolf. The Director."

Dakota racked his memory. "Oh, that guy." He had seen Rolf several times inside the DIAO, but barely remembered him. "Is there anyone who knows about him besides me and Lillian? And you?" He made a vague wave with his hand to indicate that he was referring to some group Ashley was a part of, rather than her individually.

"Galena," Ashley reminded him.

Dakota made a duly sympathetic expression. "That must be very hard for her."

Ashley nodded in agreement. "Very hard."

"Is there anything I can do?" Dakota asked hesitantly.

"It would be too dangerous," Ashley replied softly, turning away.


Galena was sitting at her desk waiting in anticipation when Derek came in. He set a sheet of paper neatly down on her desk. "Greta and Robert Howell," he explained. "Married since 1985. In their sixties." He slid the sheet across the desk. "Three children. Sierra, Devon, Ingrid. Ingrid is here at UOD getting her thaumaturgy degree."

Galena raised her eyebrows. Rolf had never talked about a sister at UOD, although he had mentioned having three siblings. She wondered if Ingrid and Rolf had not been on good terms.

"Thanks, Derek," she acknowledged, with clear dismissal in her tone. She lifted the file folder and began perusing it with interest. There was no sign or acknowledgement of the name Rolf anywhere in the folder. It mentioned only those three children. Sierra, Devon, and Ingrid Howell. All younger than Rolf had been. All interested in thaumaturgy in some respect. Sierra had a degree in music with a minor in thaumaturgy from Oregon State. Devon was a storm fighter in Washington. Ingrid was still getting a degree, with an emphasis in illusionistics. All very understandable career paths.

The very existence of their brother seemed to have been cleared away.

Galena finished reading the file folder just as Evan entered. "Hey Galena! I looked at the fingerprints on the collar. Some are yours. Some are unidentified."

Galena hesitated for just a minute, thinking. "Can you run the fingerprints on this keyboard?" She unplugged the wire from the back of the Director's Office computer and handed Evan the keyboard she'd barely used. He stared at it awkwardly. "All right," he agreed, and left the room.

Galena felt more justified than ever. She was getting somewhere.

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