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Lillian stepped off the bus, hoisting her small suitcase after her. After several passengers debarked, the long white bus folded up its doors and trundled away in pursuit of Roseburg. The other passengers, most of them tourists with vast quantities of luggage who had flown into Eugene and then taken the bus to Dorena, dispersed efficiently without notice, most of them likely en route to one of Dorena's copious hotels. Lillian sat down on the bench down the street and waited. One of her roommates was supposed to meet her at the bus stop.

Leslie arrived within minutes. It wasn't an exceptionally clear day, and a thin layer of fog lay across the city, so Lillian was only able to see her when she arrived at the bus stop sign, searching with her green eyes. She rose and began to approach the sign, waving to attract her roommate's attention.

Lillian suddenly felt a flash of insight. This situation was nearly identical to something that had happened the month before. Ashley had been waiting at the bus station, Dakota had been sitting on the bench down the street. It was snowing, and had become difficult to see. Dakota had hurried toward Ashley, trying to catch her attention.

Something clicked.

Lillian couldn't explain why, but for a moment she felt that Dakota's relationship to Ashley was similar to her own relationship to Leslie. She realized that Ashley was some kind of mentor and role model to Dakota. Someone that he looked up to and was able to trust in a situation when all his friends were far away.

Just as suddenly, the sense of lucidity was gone and Lillian was once more lost in the light fog of a typical February in Dorena. Leslie abruptly noticed her waving hands and walked over to meet her.

"Missed you," Leslie said casually, clapping her roommate on the shoulder. "You went to visit your parents?"

Lillian didn't correct her. "Yeah. My friend Rachel too."

"I missed Daria too," Leslie confessed.

Lillian's face distorted in confusion. Daria and her family had lived in Dorena since around 2010. "Why did Daria leave?" she asked.

Leslie turned to give Lillian a penetrating look. "Daria didn't leave. I left."

Lillian quickly apologized for her negligence. "Were you visiting your parents?"

Leslie nodded. "In Bend."

Lillian realized in embarrassment that she hadn't known where Leslie's family lived. "Did you enjoy it?"

Leslie nodded again. "Did you?"

"Well..." Lillian began, then thought better of it. "Yes. I had a good time."


When Dakota heard a knock on his office door, he assumed for some obscure reason that Dr. Hests was waiting for him. So he adjusted his beanie, tried to make himself presentable, and pulled open the door. Lillian stood there, waiting in impatience.

It was all Dakota could do not to hug her. He immediately felt a flush of embarrassment tendril into his cheeks. Lillian stared, confused, trying to read the expression on his face. He turned away abruptly and beckoned her in. She strode confidently through his office and into the mirror, which he had moved to the back corner.

When Dakota arrived in the arena, Lillian was already waiting on the far side, sitting with legs crossed. She was occupying the normal place where Dakota sat. Dakota understood her meaning implicitly. She wanted to show that she trusted him, by showing that he didn't need to give her a clear path to the mirror. He was grateful.

"Good morning, professor Kern," she greeted.

"Welcome back, Lillian," Dakota replied. "Please call me Dakota."

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