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Lillian's anxiety had mostly worn off by the time she stepped into the DIAO conference room. Galena shot her an irritated glance, and Lillian grimaced. Just as she had expected, Galena was on to her.

She glanced around the conference room, making mental notes of exactly who was there. Diane and Derek were absent- of course, they must be watching the thaumaturgy building. Erica refused to work on weekends. Which left just Janelle, Evan, and Galena. Lillian's gaze skimmed over their faces in anticipation.

And then stopped.

Sitting near the head of the table was an unfamiliar woman. Someone Lillian had never seen before. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the other woman's face. Then, with common courtesy, she walked over to introduce herself.

The woman greeted her before she reached the table. "Hey, Lillian. How's everything going? Did you finally get that override from Dr. Hests?"

Lillian froze. Something was very wrong here. This woman appeared to know her- and yet Lillian had no idea who she was.

"Nice to meet you," Lillian ventured nervously.

The woman's face transformed into a mask of confusion. But Lillian was no longer looking at her. For, behind the unfamiliar woman, Galena seemed to be undergoing a major realization.

Galena rose from her chair and seized Lillian's arm in a tight grip. "We need to talk."

Lillian had no choice but to follow her. She stumbled backwards out the door, her arm still held in Galena's vise-like grip. Galena swiftly made her way down the hall and into the Director's office, where she pushed Lillian into a chair.

"Rolf," Galena said decisively.

Lillian cocked her head. "I thought he wasn't working on the weekends anymore."

Galena leaned in. "You remember Rolf."

"Of course," Lillian responded in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Your eye twitches," Galena muttered, a smile spreading across her face. "Of course you remember."

"What happened?" Lillian asked, completely lost.

"Rolf disappeared," Galena said matter-of-factly. "He disappeared on the twentieth. I think he was going to meet someone. No one saw him after that. And-" she spread her arms wide. "Suddenly, I was the Director. And Vanessa, that woman you just met, was the Assistant Director. It was like nothing ever happened." She pronounced those last words with dark emphasis.

"What do you mean?" Lillian answered, baffled.

"You and I are the only people here who remember Rolf. He's not in the records. He's not in his apartment. He's not anywhere. All I have is this." Galena opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a small object, handing it over to Lillian. The younger girl slid it through her fingers. "A collar," she said out loud.

Galena nodded. "A collar. This belonged to Rolf's cat. Who is in my apartment now."

"Why?" Lillian seemed completely perplexed as she handed the collar back to Galena.

The collar swung in the Director's fingers. "Because Rolf doesn't exist."

Lillian stared, uncomprehending.

"I'm going to be having an interview with Ingrid Howell later this week. I think it would be good if you were there," Galena suggested, her eyes cold.

Lillian nodded reflexively, not exactly sure what to say.

"I'll let you know."

Lillian nodded again, more worried than ever. What had happened, exactly?

And would Dakota know about it?

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