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Exactly how much could she tell Galena?

Lillian's curiosity about Rolf was now partially satisfied. She knew how he had disappeared and vaguely knew who had obliterated him and why. But of course, she still had questions. What had happened to him? Where was he now? Questions that she wasn't sure Dakota had the answer to.

But her main question was how she would be dealing with Galena, who was so invested in searching for Rolf, and who had absolutely no idea how to proceed, and was worried half out of her mind.

How was Lillian going to stop herself from telling Galena everything?

For one thing, she knew she couldn't reveal her association with Dakota. He was wanted for questioning, and he had expressed worry at the idea of the DIAO catching him. Lillian wasn't sure exactly why he was so worried, but she respected him enough to understand she needed to keep that from Galena. At the same time, she was worried that Galena's method of investigation wasn't the right path here.

Lillian sighed. She would just have to go along with it.

"Want anything?" Dakota offered.

"Like what?" Ray asked, puzzled. The siblings were seated in Dakota's office. "What do you mean?" Ray repeated.

"Food," Dakota explained. "It means, 'want any food'."

"All right," Em answered. "I thought Ashley was taking care of that."

"There are good restaurants here on campus," Dakota enthused. "I can get you more than just what Ashley has been providing."

"Oh?" Ray asked, intrigued.

"There's pizza. I think you'd really like it," Dakota offered. "I can go get some, if you'd like."

Ray nodded. "I'll try it."

"Can I come?" Em yawped, with little to no inhibition.

"I suppose so," Dakota replied thoughtfully. "Be careful, though."

"How do I be careful?" she responded sardonically.

"Don't use any metalanguage," Dakota suggested. "Try to stay quiet." He stood up and tugged down the sides of her hat. "Follow me."

Em nodded. Dakota beckoned her, and they entered the mirror, stepping into the arena.

"Why are we here?" Em asked in confusion.

"There's an agency looking for me. They're stationed in the thaumaturgy building, so I try not to go down the stairs. They'd see me."

She followed Dakota along the tangle of pathways toward the tower.

"I have a mirror in the tower that will let us get past them," Dakota continued. As they entered the doorway, he beckoned her over to a smaller desk. A mirror just large enough for Dakota to comfortably fit his finger on was stationed in its center.

"Follow me," Dakota explained, and then touched the surface. No sooner was he transported to the food delivery drop-off than Em's body collided roughly with his. He stumbled back as she squeezed out of the corner in the wall.

"Don't do that," Dakota complained. "You almost knocked me over." He straightened her hat, which had been knocked askew. She nodded studiously. Dakota turned away and started making his way towards the student union building. Em followed him with enthusiasm.

When they arrived at the student union's pizza place- a different chain than the one in the Creative Sciences Center- Em stepped forward up the counter immediately. Dakota put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back into the line. We have to wait, his echo explained.

*Does it really take that much time to prepare this food?* Em's snapped back.

Not really, Dakota's answered with a tone comparable to a shrug. But a lot of people want it.

Em seemed intrigued by this. She leaned her head out of the line and stared with interest at the pizzas being prepared in the back. She pulled up the brim of her hat so she could see better. Almost immediately, Dakota reached over to tug it down. "Keep your hat on," he muttered with gritted teeth.

Once they reached the front of the line, Dakota requested a pepperoni pizza and quickly received it in an overmarked box. He paid quickly in cash and steered Em away from the line.

"Can I try it?" Em asked excitedly.

Dakota shook his head.

Em looked confused. "Can't I just have a bite?"

By this time, Dakota and Em had reached the student union delivery dropoff once more. Dakota put a hand on her shoulder to stop her, then dug in his pocket. After a minute, he managed to find a package of mints that he had bought earlier that day. He set the pizza down on the low brick wall and popped the case open, handing one to his sister.

"What is this?" she wondered.

"A mint," Dakota said shortly.

She seemed interested by this, and popped the mint into her mouth. She sucked on it for about two seconds before abruptly spitting it out with a look of disgust on her face. "What is this? Caraway?" she snapped, reverting to her native language.

Dakota snorted. "That is why you can't eat this pizza. Now come on." 

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