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"Hey Lillian," Em greeted with a half-smile. Lillian nodded in return. "Hey."

Two days previously, Em and Lillian had found themselves in an interesting conversation while Lillian was practicing the Idea of Transportation in the Alin Gap. In order to facilitate being able to see each other more often, Lillian pungled up the money for another set of mirrors and coordinated with Dakota to establish a link between his office and her dorm room. The mirror on the bottom of her desk allowed her to travel quickly to his office and, from there, to the arena in the Alin Gap.

"How's everything going?" Em asked casually.

"All right," Lillian answered. "I'm still trying to figure out how to make sure my roommates aren't in my room when I get back. I know their schedules but it's hard to get everything right."

"I'm pretty sure Dakota has a mirror that goes to right outside the student union, so he can get food. I can ask him to move it."

"Oh, thanks," Lillian replied. "That would work."

"No problem." Em pushed herself off of the ledge and stood up, brushing off her jeans. "Want to go exploring?"

Lillian cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

Em snorted. "What do you think I mean? Walk around the Alin Gap and find things."

"What about Sphinxes?"

"There are signs," Em answered casually. "We made sure there are signs around here bordering all the areas where you could encounter a Sphinx. As long as we don't go past the signs, we'll be fine."

"Okay," Lillian agreed readily. "Go ahead."

Em burst through the mirror in Dakota's office, panting with exertion. "You wanted to ask me something?" she gasped.

"Yes," Dakota answered simply. "Sit down." He motioned to the couch, indicating that she should sit next to Ray. Still panting, she complied.

"Okay, what is it?" Ray asked, clearly irritated by the length of time he'd had to wait.

Dakota sank into a cross-legged position on the floor. "I talked to Ashley yesterday. She told me that Mira is going to be free for a day on Monday, and that she wants to see me. Ashley also told me to ask you guys if you want to come."

Em gave an infuriated snort. "You're expecting me to spend time with her?"

"I guess that's a no," Dakota muttered. "Ray?"

Ray considered. <I don't know,> his echo said finally. <I'm not sure about whether it would be safe for me to be around her.>

Dakota flinched. "If that's what you're having trouble considering, I don't think you should come."

Ray snorted. "That's probably for the best. If my echo is that tense, it's definitely not a good idea."

"Have a good time," Em said flatly.

Dakota nodded, eyes wide. "Don't worry. I definitely will."

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