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Lillian wasn't exactly sure how to prepare for the interview with Ingrid. After all, she pretty much already knew that Ingrid would be impacted as well by the Idea of Obliteration. She figured from Dakota's description that the Idea was ineffective against metalinguists, which is why she and Dakota weren't influenced; she already knew that Galena was a metalinguist, so that fit. Ingrid, however, was not likely a metalinguist. Rolf obviously hadn't been, and based on Dakota's description of Galena being a metalinguist because Ashley was, Lillian inferred that Ingrid probably wasn't able to use metalanguage. In which case, like everyone else, she wouldn't remember her brother.

Lillian had spent all morning in the arena practicing summoning Ashes. Through experimentation, she had learned that it was possible to summon Ashes at any point in the Alin Gap, not just next to her. She had gained a greater sense of which Wraiths were linked to others and which were safe to call up as Ashes. She had even experimented- rather ill-advisedly- with calling up linked Wraiths two at a time. Surprisingly, it was safe, only producing two Ashes. Lillian used them to spy on herself and the surrounding area; it was surprisingly easy to communicate with the Ashes on enough of a level to understand what they were seeing and hearing. She also practiced using the Idea of Deception to conceal them from any outside observer, as well as the Idea of Opening, to return them to the Void. She had essentially exhausted all the new information she'd learned from her last lesson.

Now, she was merely brooding in her dorm room.

Today seemed less stressful than the previous day. Lillian hadn't realized just how worried she'd been for Rachel's ability to get an education. Now that she knew her friend would be able to go to college, she felt much lighter and more relaxed than she had in a long time.

The stress wasn't all gone- Lillian was still under pressure from a lot of different sources. But, as she realized, there wasn't anything she could do about it now.

She pulled the notebook Leslie had given her out of her back pocket, snatched an erasable pen from her backpack, and started scribbling ideas on the first blank page.

"I have a problem," Dakota confessed.

Ashley smirked and waited for him to continue.

"Dr. Hests asked me out to dinner," Dakota explained. "It's getting worrying."

Ashley snorted. She didn't say anything for a few seconds, considering. Then she reached out and slapped Dakota's cheek. He winced and held a hand to his face.

"What was that for?" he asked angrily.

"That," Ashley explained, "was for having no tact."

"What did I do?" Dakota wondered, completely unaware.

Ashley snickered and considered the question thoughtfully. "Let's see. Dr. Hests has taken you to lunch twice. Both times, you enjoyed stimulating conversation and each other's company. You've been steadily growing closer despite everything you need to avoid. And-" here Ashley switched to a mawkish, mocking tone- "you've encouraged her."

"What was I supposed to do?" Dakota stammered. "She kept asking me to lunch! I couldn't keep saying no! So I said yes, and now she's asking me to dinner. I can't say no to that either. How am I supposed to stop her?"

Ashley groaned. "I can't believe you're serious. When you don't want to go to lunch with her again, you make sure that she doesn't enjoy the lunch. If you don't want to go to dinner with her again, make the dinner awkward. Ask for very specific condiments. Don't offer to pay the bill. Change the subject too often."

"That might work," Dakota answered, slowly bobbing his head.

"Of course it's going to work," Ashley scoffed. "All you need is to do it."

Dakota nodded. "I'll try. But how am I supposed to bring my own food to this?"

"Don't," Ashley suggested. "Ask her to go get the waiter when you first get your meals. Fix your food while she's gone. Take offense at the appetizers so you don't have to have any of that."

"It could work," Dakota repeated. "I'll let you know tonight."

"Can you not?" Ashley requested.

The Budding MetalinguistOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant