Chapter 32

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(Leblanc Mansion A-side)


Annie: ~Asher dropped me off at home and left, my parents didn't question it so I went back to looking for the card deck~

Mary: Annie love you should be getting to bed now *folding sheets*

Annie: *sighs flopping onto the couch* arrrggg Mary I am so stressed..

Mary: *smiles* Oh Annie still the same as when you were younger. I remember when you were "stressed" you would go into the treehouse.

Annie: *sits up* Treehouse?? *confused* I would go to the tree house? Carson told me it was just his and I wasn't allowed in!

Mary: *looks at her* Honey I thought you didn't go in because you were scarred from falling. *smiles* Anyways you used to hide everything in that tree house.

Annie: Hide! *smiles runs over and hugs Mary* Oh thank you Mary! *runs out* ~I honestly don't remember falling out or even ever coming up here *Inside the tree house* wow it was really childish. *Looking everywhere* My god I'm never going to find that stupid deck.. *Sits hugging her knees* Shit *rests her chin on her knees* I was just had to accept that It was probably found by my parents *sees a something red under the floorboard that was under the shelf of old cars. Gets up* Don't get your hopes up to high *moves the shelf* It could just be an old candy wrapper *lifts up the floorboard* Oh my god?! I found it!! *picks up the small cold box* I found it!! ~joy filled my whole body as I took out the deck. The pictures were sort of smudged against each other but I didn't care I hugged it and grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't wait to tell John~

Annie: *walking towards the house* ~I saw Carson through the window his nose was bleeding he was with Bryce and Isaak. I ran in~ Wh...wha-

Carson: Don't act stupid your little boyfriend and his stupid gang did this!

Annie: Where's dad? ~No point in hiding it now*

Mrs. LeBlanc: he went to arrest the felons that did this to your poor brother

Annie: Carson probably started it! *I heard the police sirens* You most likely deserved it. ~I hissed before leaving.~

(Mapleton Police station A-side)

Annie: ~I walked in to see Hayden and a few other spades in a holding cell. I walked over as the officers looked at me.~ Where's Johnny? ~Hayden's face was all bruised up but he didn't seem to mind it~

Hayden: He's in the back, your father is questioning him.

Annie: ~My heart began to race, I ran to the back passing many holding cells filled with spades. I saw Lauren even she was badly beated. My stomach tightened. Getting to the door, I heard grunts and heavy punches.~ *Her shaking hands reach for the door knob and pushes the door open* ~My eyes began to fill with tears as I saw my dad beating Johnny. He was on the floor, his hands handcuffed behind him and blood spilling from different areas of his face~ Stop!! ~Someone grabbed me~ Johnny!! Dad stop!! ~I kicked and screamed, hot heavy tears falling from my face~ Stop it!! ~with every loud punch I winced~ Please dad!! Stop!!

Johnny: A..Annie shut..up.. ~I didn't say that because I hated her or blamed her. I could take this beating, I couldn't take seeing her crying for me~

Annie: Noo! ~Johnny glared at me. This was all my fault~ I'm sorry!!

Mr. LeBlanc: We've warned you many times *holds onto Johnny's hair* not to come near this boy! *Johnny winces in pain and spits out blood* Now look what you did!

Annie: Please leave them alone.. I'll.. I'll stop seeing him..

Johnny: Annie?! *gets punched in the stomach*

Annie: ~My heart hurt watching this~ Stop touching him.. Let me help him then I'll never see him again..

Mr.LeBlanc: Make it quick. You have 2 minutes

Annie:~My whole body shook as I cried, He threw Johnny down and gave him a couple kicks before leaving. I was placed down.~ J.. Johnny? I'm so sorry! ~I wanted to hold him but I didn't want to hurt him~

Johnny: *coughs up blood*.... ~I grabbed her hand, tears managed to spill out of my eyes~ Don't leave.. Please don't leave me..

Annie: ~I pulled away my hand and got the cup of water.~ I can't see you like this.

Johnny: ~I tried getting up my body aching. She lightly dabbed my face with her shirt that she soaked in the water. I winced at the small stinging~ stay..

Annie: I can't.. ~He pressed his lips against mine, they were hot and the taste of blood managed to find its way into my mouth. I still kissed him back~

Johnny: Don't leave. Please

Annie: ~He kept repeating those words through the kisses our tears mixing together. We heard a knock~ I love you

Johnny: Annie please...~Her lips detached from mine as she got up~ Annie! Come back please!! Annie!! ~She was walking out. Tears began to gush out my eyes as I tried to crawl to the door~ A..Annie!! Don't leave me!! I need you!! Please!

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