Chapter 4

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"I want nothing to do with this." You say.

"Unfortunately you sort of got dragged into this when you agreed to go on this mission with Megumi." The white-haired male says.

You let out an exasperated sigh before speaking.

"You want my honest opinion? If the higher-ups find out about this, you are a dead man. Those conniving bastards would either have you killed or they'd use you. Since you can handle Sukuna and keep a hold of him, they may decide to use you as a vessel. So from my position it's either die now or die later." You reply.

"That's a bit harsh." The pink-haired male replied.

"Unfortunately it's the truth. I shouldn't be the deciding factor on if you live or not. It's up to that guy." You pause, pointing at the white-haired male. "And those conniving higher-ups." You finished.

"You make a good case." The white-haired male said.

"Well, if that's all you wanted me for... I'll be leaving now." You say, turning to leave.

"Wait. So you aren't a sorcerer like these two?" The pink-haired male asked.

"Far from it." You replied and left.

"What's up with her?" The pink-haired male asked.

"She seems to hold a grudge against the sorcery society." Megumi replied.

"A grudge? What kind?" The pink-haired male asks.

"Well, she sees the higher-ups at Jujutsu Tech as conniving bastards. Which, they are." The white-haired male paused.

"She also said she'd prefer to do things alone rather than with others." Megumi added.

"Come to think of it... what would her rank be Gojo-Sensei?" Megumi asked.

"Rank?" The pink-haired male questioned.

"Well, Itadori-kun. Each sorcerer has a rank. Special Grade being the highest. Like me. I don't believe I've seen her fight yet, so I couldn't say. For now, let's just all get back to Jujutsu Tech." Gojo said.

The three of them then left with the knowledge that Itadori could now control Sukuna partly. And that the higher-ups would possibly want him executed. But, Gojo knew that was something he could prevent.

"Megumi. I want you to take Itadori tomorrow and go see if you can't convince her to join." Gojo said.

"Wait why do I have to go?" Itadori asked.

"Because. It's training!" Gojo said, making it seem as if that were the truth.

"Training? For what?" Itadori asked.

"For the harsh realities of what the sorcery society has to offer." Megumi replied.

"Wait, really?" Itadori deadpanned.

"No. I just want you to gain an idea on why some may dislike the idea of sorcery. Society depicts things in different ways. Some as negative and some positive. Y/N is in that negative category." Gojo explains.

"So all we have to do is convince her it's not so bad? How hard could that be?" Itadori asks.

"You give it a go tomorrow then." Megumi posed.

"Alright. I accept that challenge!" Itadori replies.

"I'm glad to hear it, Itadori-kun!" Gojo replied back.

It seemed as if Gojo had some ulterior motive to getting you to join the Jujutsu society. Primarily for the reason of how well you fought prior to them knowing anything about you. It seemed, almost as if you were teaching yourself jujutsu for some reason or another. Yet, he was blissfully unaware of why. You, however, knew exactly why you wanted to learn the ways of jujutsu. For the exact reason you told the white-haired male. To protect your town. And everyone in it.

You wanted to distance yourself from the entire Jujutsu society for the sheer fact the higher-ups could've possibly used you as a tool. And you were having none of it.

The night went on and before long it was the morning. You, deciding to sleep in, eventually awoke to the sound of someone knocking on your door. With your Shikigami barking at them.

"Great. They're back." You sarcastically say aloud.

You trudged down the stairs and headed to the front door, opening it to find Megumi and the pink haired male.

"How can I help you two today?" You said, clearly annoyed.

"I think you know why we're here." Megumi said.

"What is with your Sensei and wanting me to join the school?" You said, stepping aside and allowing them entry.

Immediately after you let them in, the pink-haired male went straight for your Shikigami and started ruffling it's fur.

"Wait. You can see it?" You asked the pink-haired male.

"Yeah, why?" The pink-haired male replied.

"It's a Shikigami." Megumi answered.

"A Shikigami? What's that?" Itadori asked.

"For someone who has cursed energy and can see curses and Shikigami's, you really are clueless, huh?" You say.

"What she's trying to say, is that you really have a lot to learn about the Jujutsu society." Megumi explains.

"But seriously, what's a Shikigami?" Itadori asked.

Sighing, you answer his question. "It's a type of cursed technique. Everyone who can possess and wield cursed energy have their own technique. I have two. It's different for each person. Cursed technique, since I had a feeling you might not know what that is, is a form of advanced jujutsu that grants a user specialised abilities. There are different types and they can range from innate techniques, barrier techniques and Shikigami." You explain.

"Woah. You know so much!" Itadori exclaimed.

"It's just the basic information I had to pick up in order to get an understanding of my own techniques." You reply.

"But your knowledge could help a lot!" Itadori replied.

"That may be the case but I do not wish to join the Jujutsu society." You reply.

"Itadori. Could you give us a minute?" Megumi asks.

"Sure." Itadori replies, taking your Shikigami outside to play with it.

"What? Why did you ask Itadori to go outside?" You ask.

"So I can have a private conversation with you." Megumi replied.

"About?" You ask.

"Why you won't join the Jujutsu society." Megumi asked.

"Look, it's obvious that all you're going to do is continuously ask me to join on your Sensei's accord. I'm sure you didn't actually want to come here today. I'll join. On one condition." You reply.

"Wait, really? What condition?" Megumi asks.

"My family get kept out of this." You reply.

He nods, not asking for further detail as he could tell it was clearly personal. Once your conversation ended, he went outside to tell Itadori that they were leaving. Itadori noticed that you were leaving with them as well.

"What made you change your mind?" Itadori asked as the three of you were walking back.

"Nothing really, just... I want to make a difference I guess." You reply.

(Look at me finally posting a chapter. I hope this made someone's day. I've had no motivation for months.)

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