Chapter Seventeen: Jake vs Jordan

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Giovanni's parents were on a business trip to the Bahamas, which gave him the perfect opportunity to throw a party at his house. It was just like old times, and everyone in attendance felt reminiscent.

That was everyone except Cassie, who sat alone with a White Claw in hand. She couldn't get the image of Jordan's face out of her head. At first, she thought she might have been seeing things, because why would he randomly visit home? She prayed that was the answer, but when Brittany informed her about how she snapped at him and his stupid girlfriend, she knew it was true. Jordan Evans, her ex-boyfriend, was back in West Coral.

And she thought her life couldn't get any more dramatic. First, there was the drama revolving her and Jake. Second, Jordan came back home with a warning. And third, Juliana was serving her angry glances from across the pool. She was confused. She wasn't mad about Jake... right?

"Hey," said Brittany softly as she approached her best friend. She had a concerned expression on her face. "Come on. Let's go grab another drink."

Cassie shook her head as she stood from the outdoor couch. "Actually, I think I'm gonna go home."

"No!" Her best friend exclaimed, desperately wanting her to stay. She hated seeing her upset. "Please don't go. The party just started. Let's just grab another drink and we can talk?"

Cassie thought maybe her best friend was right? Maybe she needed another drink? Getting drunk and forgetting her problems, at least for the rest night, actually sounded like a good idea. It beat going home to lie in bed feeling depressed.

"Okay, fine," she complied, adjusting her bikini top. Brittany smiled, happy that her persuasion skills were successful. She grabbed Cassie's hand, leading her towards the drink cooler. "Oh, and also," she started as her best friend turned to look at her with furrowed eyebrows, curious what she was preparing to say. "Why does Juliana keep looking at me? She didn't even say hi to me when she walked in."

"I don't know," Brittany shrugged before digging into the cooler. She pulled out a Watermelon flavored White Claw, handing it to Cassie before finding one for herself. "Maybe there's something in her eye?"

Cassie held her breath for a few seconds, trying not to prepare for the worst... but what she did know was that Juliana did not have something in her eye. "I think she's mad because me and Jake—"

"Jordan Evans!" Giovanni exclaimed as he rushed past the girls and towards the entrance of his backyard. Brittany and Cassie were quick to react, sending each other a nervous glance, before moving their eyes towards Giovanni. Standing with him were Jordan and his random girlfriend. "I'm so glad you guys could make it."

It came as no surprise to the girls that Giovanni would invite Jordan to his party. To him, he didn't care that Jordan hadn't bothered to stay in touch with him or his friends. All he cared about was stirring up more drama - and inviting Jordan and his new girlfriend was the first step in doing so. He thought it would get a riot out of the guests in attendance, which he was quick to be proven correct.

He guided Jordan and his girlfriend into the backyard, acting as if no one would be upset to see him there, or as if no time had passed since he moved away. Clearly, he didn't see or hear Brittany's interaction with Jordan at the fundraiser. Giovanni would have known it was quite messy, but he probably would have enjoyed witnessing that anyway.

Brittany and Cassie both shared the same repulsed look on their face as Jordan walked past them, laughing with Giovanni. He acknowledged their stares and sent them a smile in return. It made the girls even angrier to see him... if that was possible.

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