Within Your Locked Up Heart

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Calmly, I breathe, in and out.
Carefully waiting for the last glimpse of hope to dim.
For the last gap of light to close.

I've been locked inside for weeks.
Stuck between your memories and pain.

Wondering if I'll ever be able to escape this dark place.
I can barely make out the red colours.

But I feel warm.
Yet I'm locked away.

I can fulfill your last wish.
But you must let go.

It's just me, feeling lonely.
Bathing in the warmth of your kindness while feeling your distress.
Even while you dream, hoping that you'll see me.

I can hear you whisper, "I mustn't let go."
A hesitating, suffering voice,
of a selfish stubborn.

I've been locked inside your heart for weeks.

Even though you accepted to enter a neverending sleep, your thoughts & feelings show no boundary.

Or so it feels...

Forever locked inside, hidden beneath your sorrow.
Lying between your thoughts.

How to escape this place,
an endless enigma.

Hidden in your neverending thoughts and feelings,
within your locked up heart.

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