January 17, 2020

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Matt's POV: As I stand in the kitchen while making breakfast for me and Gabby, I hear a knock on the door. "Hey Severide, remind me why Stella doesn't live here yet?" Severide then laughed as he walked out of his room. "Can you let her in? I have to shave a little." He then went to walk in, thinking I closed the door. "You open that door, I kill you. You do not get to see my wife naked!" Severide then gulped and agreed. "Understood captain." I smiled when he said that before going to open the door. "Hey." Stella smiled as she went to hug me. "Welcome back Captain!"

I then laughed. "Technically, I never left. I was there last shift and now, I'm back. Just need to get my uniforms back and set up my office again. But I need to say this...welcome Lieutenant!" Stella smiled when I said that. "Which truck are you putting me in charge of?" I then smiled when she asked me that. "You are going to be in charge of Truck." Stella nodded when I said that. "You already have breakfast Severide or do you want me to make us some?" Severide smiled when he asked her that. "Sure, that sounds great." I agreed with him.

"By the way, since I have you guys alone...I need to ask to have the apartment on Valentine's Day." They then both looked at me. "Why do you get dibs that day?" I sighed and looked at the both of them. "It's because it's easier to plan a home date than have to find a place that is comfortable for Gabby when she is 12 weeks pregnant with triplets." They then both looked at each other and agreed with me that we can have Valentine's Day. "Of course, that makes total sense now." Severide smiled and agreed with me. "I will book a hotel."

That's when I heard Gabby come out in her robe. "Matt, we can go to a hotel on Valentine's Day. I am not making you cook on your birthday celebration. Sorry babe, but from now on...you are going to have to celebrate them both on the same day." I sighed but, I wasn't going to give in. "Gabby, you hated sleeping in the hotel bed at the resort. You weren't comfortable at all. So, we are staying here since the beds in Chicago hotels are going to be worse than the resort beds." Gabby then thought about it and agreed with me. "Okay, that makes sense."

I nodded and smiled at her. "I put some of my sweats on the bed if you want to wear them." Gabby smiled when I said that before walking over to me. Wrapping her arm around me, she went to kiss me softly. "You're the best. Now, can you make me breakfast?" I smiled and nodded as I wrapped my arm around her. "You want to bring your pillow to the firehouse? You know, the one that got here yesterday. The one that wraps around you...even though you always cuddle up to me." Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Yes. Oh that reminds me, January 22nd at 10 is our next appointment." I nodded and agreed. "I remember Gabby. It's in our joint-calendar."

Gabby nodded and smiled. "Okay, now I am going to get dressed in my sweats. Get me my prenatal vitamins out for me and can you get me that protein shake I like ready? I want to drink it on the way. And I will eat once I am done." I nodded. "Yes. Now breathe and go get dressed. I already put a second set of pre-natal vitamins in my bag that we can keep in my office at the firehouse." Gabby smiled when I said that before walking over to our room to get dressed. Meanwhile, I went to open the drawer that had me and Gabby's stuff in it. Getting her pre-natal vitamins out...I went to put them in a cup and then grabbed her water. "How many she take?"

I looked at Stella when she asked me that and smiled. "She takes two of these gummies per day, one in the morning and one at night. Then she takes a glass of water. She has to drink a lot of fluid for being pregnant with triplets." That's when I remembered to go grab our water bottles. They were big and could contain 2 liters of water when they are full. Gabby has to drink at least 1 of these per day during her pregnancy. And she always drank more at meals. She has stopped drinking anything but water at meals. That's when I remembered to grab the vitamin bottles since we don't have them at the firehouse. Grabbing a travel bag, I went to put them in there since I already had some out.

That's when I saw Gabby come out of the bedroom in her sweats. "Babe, I got your prenatal vitamins out on the counter with some water. And I am already filling up my water bottles." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Thanks. Can I have a bagel?" Stella then smiled at Gabby. "Sure, I am making some. You boys want some?" I nodded and agreed. "Don't forget that you have to drink this entire water bottle today Gabby." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Believe me, I am going to drink more than that. It's so dry in that place." I nodded and agreed. "I know."

Walking over to her, I went to kiss her softly. "You already have your things packed in my bag? We can share one." Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Can you go get it? It's on the bed. It's heavy." I nodded and agreed with her before walking away to our bedroom to grab it. Meanwhile, Stella went to give Gabby a bagel that she just made for her. "Thanks girl. By the way, we need to gossip today. Sorry but, I need girl time today. That's the real reason I want to come. So...me, you, Sylvie and Mackey. We are going to sit together and gossip. Please, I need girl time!"

Coming out of the bedroom, I smiled at Gabby. "You going to make up with Sylvie?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "We are going to try okay? I am not making any promises. But, I am going to be civil. Maybe I can just look past it." I then went to rub her back and went to kiss her head. "Listen, let's eat up so that we can all get going to the firehouse." We all nodded and agreed with each other, going to grab our breakfasts. "Who's driving today?" I then looked at her. "I am driving from now on. Sorry Severide but, I am not letting you drive my pregnant wife around."

Severide then looked at me. "Don't trust me or something?" I then sighed. "I would not like to risk our friendship. If something happened." I then went to rub Gabby's back and just kept her calm while kissing her head. "Not that anything will happen but, you know what I mean." Gabby and Severide both nodded. "Listen, I am going to sit on the couch to eat. More comfortable. Can everybody just eat so we can get going?" We all nodded and agreed. "Actually, can you guys drive in together? I want to talk to Gabby alone on the way." They both nodded when I said that, already know exactly what I was talking about. The little problem we just talked about.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now