Chapter 263

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Matt's POV: After leading Gabby through the firehouse and into the apartment, I smiled as I went to close the bookshelf door in my office before helping her up the stairs. Leading her up, I smiled while holding her hand with our fingers intertwined. That's when we got upstairs and I saw Louie laying down on our bed with the iPad. "Someone went digging through daddy's bag." Louie then looked at us and blushed. Meanwhile, Gabby just turned to look at me and smiled as she put her hand on my chest. Wrapping my arm around her, I grabbed her butt and kissed her softly.

"What do you think about our new home away from home?" Gabby smiled when I said that. "It looks perfect. And there's already a bed for Louie." I nodded when she said that. "I already changed the sheets when I came in once. That used to be Terrence's bed. Donna left it and I called about it...she said we can keep it for Louie." Gabby smiled as she looked around. "It's pretty similar to what we had when we lived at Herrmann's place." I nodded when she said that. "Listen, you can stay up here for a while. Think you can unpack our bags? I brought uniforms."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "How often are we going to be staying here?" I then bit my lip. "Every shift if that's okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that. Wrapping my arms around her, I went to kiss her head and smiled. "Just promise me that you are going to come downstairs sometimes okay? I want you to be with me as much as you can. And I want to help raise Louie. I want to be as involved as I possibly can even while being chief. I promised we were in this together and I meant it." Gabby nodded when I said that, putting her hands on my chest.

"I know baby, just relax and remembered that you are also chief." I nodded and went to kiss her softly while putting my hands on her waist. "Listen, I need to go down there and make sure all of our trucks are there and parked correctly. Then, I need to speak to all of my officers and then, firefighters. I promise though, when I get a minute...we can come up here. And we can have lunch up here together." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Matt, just take a breather. Now just curious, where's the bell for overnight?" I then went to point to it. "Right there."

Gabby agreed with me. "And the washroom is right there." I nodded and smiled. "And there is a private shower." Gabby smiled and went to kiss me softly. "Listen, you go get started. I might sneak down to listen to you speak." I agreed and smiled when she said that. Stepping close to her, I put my hands on her hips before kissing her one last time. "I love you, you're my rock and I am so ready for this day." Gabby then grabbed my jacket and smiled at me. "Stay safe. Now, go be the best new chief Chicago has ever seen." I nodded when she said that, giving her one last kiss before letting her go. "I love you, see you whenever I can." Gabby nodded and smiled at me.

Leaving the apartment, I smiled as I made my way downstairs so that I could get to work.

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