Chapter 186

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Matt's POV: Once we got Antonio on the line, I smiled as we spoke about a bit of family stuff. "And the pregnancy is going great? Not too much stress?" I sighed when he said that. "Depends what you are talking about. Good stress or job-related stress?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded when I said that because she must've thought it was a good transition. "Awh, so you don't just want to talk to Antonio this morning. You want to talk to Det. Dawson of Intelligence." I then agreed with him. "More like Det. Dawson from VICE." Antonio laughed when I said that.

"What does drugs have to do with the Office of Fire Investigations?" I sighed when he asked that. "What do you know about Lemond Bishop?" Antonio was scared when I said that. "Holy shit, where did you hear the name and why in the world are you dealing with him?" I sighed when he said that. "OFI Case is looking into a warehouse/factory fire. The owner of the building and sole tenant was him and/or one of his holding companies." Antonio got nervous when I said that. "This already ruled arson?" I sighed and bit my lip. "I am wondering what his finances are like."

Antonio then got concerned. "You think he did this for money?" I sighed and decided to clue him in. "Within 30 minutes, there was two fires within a mile of each other...both warehouses, owned by the same company that were probably insured. Sorry if it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they might be either connected or that there might be something fishy going on here." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "Oh definitely. Antonio, you really think I would've let him call if I didn't agree with his theory? He said they weren't hard to put out."

Antonio then spoke to me. "Wait, did you work these fires?" I nodded. "Yeah, it was on one of my last shifts I think. They have assigned me all OFI cases that deal with Firehouse 51. I have the report from Severide here and he said that there was nobody on scene. I am scared because of the owner. If there's nothing on him...then I have to rule it accidental." Antonio sighed when I said that. "Honestly Matt, we have been trying to get him for years and nothing's ever stuck. The DA isn't going to want to even prosecute this. Florrick is not the easiest to convince."

I agreed with him when he said that. "I know...didn't her husband use to be the ASA?" Antonio laughed when I said that. "Her father used to be the Cook County DA. It's not Alicia Florrick, it's Grace Florrick." I agreed with him when he said that. "Right, she's a smart one. Didn't she clerk for a local judge here?" Antonio nodded and agreed. "Yes, now what can I do to make the case better or are you going to give up on it?" I sighed when he said that. "Honestly, I am just going to ask for information. Can you see if you can find anything on his finances or anything?"

Antonio was obviously hesitant when I asked him that but...he knew that I was not going to let this go because of how persistant I can be sometimes. "I will ask Voight to see if he knows him. I am sure he does." I laughed when he said that. "Oh definitely. Nothing against your boss but..." That's when I heard Voight speak to me. "You talking smack behind my back Casey?" I sighed when he said that. "Just trying to get information on Lemond Bishop. Factory of his burned down." Hank agreed with me. "Honestly, I had to say this but...I wondered what happened."

I can't believe I am going to say this, but for once I agreed with Hank. "Listen, I am not going to push but...can you just sniff around for me? See if he's in financial trouble. I am trying not to jump the gun but...I also don't want to look over things considering this one's personal. Some of my men could've died in this fire it was so bad." Antonio and Voight both agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, we'll look into this Casey and I'll get back to you. You guys stay safe and make sure you keep me up to date on the pregnancy and Louie." I agreed with him and laughed.

"Depends, am I keeping Det. Dawson up to date or my brother-in-law up to get much less information if it's Detective Dawson." Antonio laughed when I said that. "Just get to work and make sure that GABBY RELAXES. Also, make sure that she DOESN'T OBSESS over any of these cases. That is just her looking for trouble."  I turned to look at Gabby when he said that and couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Sorry babe, but he's got a point. You do go looking for trouble." Gabby sighed when I said that and nodded. "Give me the next case, I'll get started."

I nodded and agreed with her before going to send her the next on her computer (we have a shared cloud storage system). I then went to send an e-mail to the Office of Fire Investigations on the case so that they knew we weren't going to work on it yet until we got information. "I am going to mark this as a criminal matter with the cause of fire as TBD. That okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Listen, talk later Antonio...okay?" Antonio agreed with me. "Sure thing guys. Talk later."  Hanging up on him, I went to go get another file when I saw Louie run out of the room. "I am going to see what that was all about." 

Gabby nodded and agreed. "You don't want me to do this don't you?" I then bit my lip. "You can help. You are not doing the stressful stuff. In fact..." I then went to grab the pictures that were in the folder she had. (I got some delivered to me so I could have the files). "...I am keeping these on my side of the desk." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Why exactly?" I then laughed. "Need to keep the evidence free of vomit." Gabby then looked at me when I said that and agreed. "Good point. Now, go check on him." I agreed and nodded, kissing her head before going to check on Louie.

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