Chapter 244

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Jay's POV: After following Erin into our room, I saw her getting in bed after taking off her shirt and pants. She obviously wanted me to hold her for a bit because her emotions were everywhere. Deciding to do the same, I went to take off my jeans and shirt before going to set them down on the couch we had at the end of our bed. That's when I saw Erin roll over and looked at me. "Decided to join me eh?" I nodded and then went to open the covers before laying down in bed next to her. "I know you are taking the news we just got from Matt and Gabby hard."

Erin nodded when I said that before slipping close to me and putting her hand on my chest. Putting my arm across her body after tugging the covers up, I looked into her eyes while going to kiss her softly. "Erin, I am here for you. I am fully ready to defend you needing to take some time off right now if you are getting emotional. Please babe, don't shut me out and let me help you." Erin nodded when I said that before going to rub my chest. "I guess I just feel so bad for them and can't help but wonder if that could happen to us." I nodded and sighed when she said that.

Moving to grab her hand, I went to play with her engagement ring while stroking her hand. "Hey, look at me and just listen to what I am going to tell you okay?" Erin nodded when I said that and just looked into my eyes. "Listen, I can't tell you that everything is going to be okay...believe me if I could, I would do it instant. But, I know right now that our baby here is safe and he or she isn't going anywhere. You are going to have our child in a few months. Then, you are going to become my wife. Either that or we go elope." Erin laughed when I said that. "Sure, you would to that?"

I then thought about it and nodded. "I have waited long enough to make you my wife." Running her hand down my chest, Erin smiled at me. "You would be a dead man realize that right?" I then thought about what she said that and nodded. "You are definitely right when I say that. Let's just say that Hank would not be very happy." Erin looked at me when I said that before going to roll over on top of me. Putting her hands on my chest, Erin looked down into my eyes and smirked when she felt me put my hands on her back while holding her close to me.

 Putting her hands on my chest, Erin looked down into my eyes and smirked when she felt me put my hands on her back while holding her close to me

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Laying down on my chest more before going to grab my neck, Erin then smiled as she went to kiss me softly. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded and smiled when she said that. "I love you too Erin and I always will." Erin smiled and then went to lean her forehead against mine while we held each other close. "And as tempting as us running off to Vegas and eloping sounds tempting...Hank would kill you before we could even get on the plane. Either that or he would make sure he was there. Sorry to bring him up in bed but..." I nodded and agreed. "It's the truth."

Erin smiled when I said that and was about to kiss me again when my phone rang. Groaning when it did, Erin went to kiss my neck while I reached over onto my nightstand and grabbed my phone off it's charger. Looking at who it was, I sighed. "It's Hank." Erin nodded and looked at me. "Put it on speaker." I nodded and agreed with her before going to talk to Hank. "Hey Voight." Voight then spoke to us. "Did you guys already hear about Casey's news? Antonio just told me." I nodded and agreed with him. "Yeah, Matt called us personally. Maybe just stay away for now."

Voight agreed with me when I said that. "Antonio told me to do the same exact thing so...I am going to do just that. Anyways, you guys are going to deal with the firehouse on my behalf." I agreed when he said that and nodded. "So, I am currently on break. Sorry about stopping." Voight understood. "It's okay Halstead. I know Erin needs to rest sometimes with her being pregnant. By the way, you guys going to work from home during the pandemic?" Erin sighed when he said that. "I mean, if that's okay. I would rather not have to go through a miscarriage."

Voight understood what she meant. "Of course. You guys just stay safe and work from home as much as possible. The CPD has asked me to limit the number of staff intelligence brings in anyways. Most of the crew is going to work from home. Jay, you still okay with doing field work if required?" I bit my lip when he said that and then looked at Erin. "Can you give me a bit of time? I know it's not my kid and they aren't my family like Antonio...but, I can understand how Matt is feeling somewhat. To loose a child is just hard." Voight agreed when I said that. "Of course."

Erin then smiled at me. "However Voight, I want to talk to you about re-joining the CPD. I know I said I didn't want to before might be fun to work with Jay again. And we could have each other's backs at work." Voight agreed with Erin when she said that. And honestly, so did I. "Let me just finish my current case with the FBI okay? Then I can re-join intelligence if there's still a spot available for me?" Hank agreed. "If there isn't a spot, I will make one available. Sorry but, I am going to get you back whatever it takes. The FBI has had you for long enough."

Erin laughed when he said that. "Yes. Now if you don't mind...I am taking a break with my fiancé. Talk later Hank and no...we are not getting together for supper." Hank agreed. "Of course and stay safe." Erin smiled when he said that. "Bye Hank." She then went to hang up on him before going to kiss me again. "Now, where were we?" I laughed when she said that before going to run my hand up her back and going to undo her bra. "How far are we going?" Erin smiled when I asked that before going to wrap her arms around my neck. "Your choice."

I smiled when Erin said that before going to rub her back so that I could take her in my arms and get intimate with her. Boy are these pregnancy hormones fun, they made me realize just how much I missed my girl. But...I am glad she is back in Chicago forever. 

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