Chapter 192

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Meanwhile, back with Matt and Gabby:
Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby made our way to the park across the street from our house with Louie, I smiled as I carried him in my arms while holding Gabby's hand. "We are going to meet some of your uncle's friends today. You okay with that buddy?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Mama said that I can trust police." I smiled when he said and then looked at Gabby. "Yes, yes you can." Gabby then went to rub his back before putting her hands back on her stomach. "There a reason why exactly you always put your hands on your stomach? It's not a perch."

Gabby then looked at me while she wrapped her arms around mine. Grabbing her hand, I intertwined our fingers and smiled at Louie. "You want me to let you down buddy now that we are at the park?" Louie nodded and smiled at me. "Please." I then went to set him down so that he could go run. "Go run and have fun buddy. Just be safe and make sure that we can always see you." He nodded and agreed me. "Okay daddy." I smiled when he said that before looking away as Gabby got close to me. "Thought you were going to use the swing." I nodded and smiled.

"I will when Jay and Erin are here. Right now, I want to sit with you." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to lead me to the bench. Sitting down with her, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her and then went to put my hand on her stomach. "Okay, maybe your stomach is a perch...I always like to put my hand there too." Gabby smiled when I said that before looking into my eyes. She then leaned in and kissed me softly while grabbing my hand. Playing with my wedding band, she just smiled at me. "I swear, I am so glad we are outside today."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Honestly, we need to do this every couple days. It's getting hard to keep him occupied inside." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Considering I am the one that does it mostly, I hate to agree with you but, I do." I then looked at her. "Hey, if you are having trouble keeping him can ask me to help, you know that right?" Gabby nodded. "It's just, you're working." I agreed with her when she said that. "Yes, I am working first job is always to be your husband, my second job is to best possible father to Louie and the triplets when they are born."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "Is it okay if I keep blushing whenever you say that you are Louie's father. It still doesn't feel real at times." I smiled when she said that. "Believe me when I say can blush all you want when I say that we are Louie's parents because that's a fact and it's never going to change." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. That's when I felt Louie walk up to us. "Daddy, can you come push me on the swing?" I then looked down and nodded. "Sure bud. And Erin here can keep your mom company."

Seeing Jay and Erin walking over to us, I saw them both smiling. "Well first, we actually have some news." Erin then looked at Jay and smiled before going to put her hand out. Gabby just stared at her and smiled. "Oh my god, congratulations!" She then got up and had the (normal) urge to hug her but sighed because she couldn't. "God, I wish I could hug you. But, it's not safe." Erin nodded and agreed with her. "Jay, you go talk to Matt...I am going to sit with Gabby and gossip. Sorry but, I am already tired with all of your horrible dad jokes." Jay then looked at her.

I then laughed when she said that and just felt bad for Jay. "C'mon Jay, we need to talk about what all that is about." He was confused when I said that. Meanwhile, I looked at Gabby who knew exactly what I was talking about. We just got past one of those times in the pregnancy...where they are cranky all the time and don't want to be touched. I am just lucky that Gabby didn't have it that bad and let me touch her stomach (and her) a lot. Anyways, she needed it to help her sleep. Those babies of ours are very active at night. Nothing like a kiss from daddy to put them to sleep.

Walking away to the swing sets where Louie was waiting for me, I smiled at him. "C'mon big man, let's get you in the swing and then daddy can push you." He agreed and nodded when I said that. Picking him up in my arms, I smiled as I went to set him down in the swing to push him. "So, when did you propose to her?" Jay then laughed and smiled at me. "Like 20 minutes ago. I was going to ask you for ideas but...she found out first. I just couldn't not do it when she found out. I just did it out of the blue. Made a nice speech and she said yes."

I looked at him and smiled. "Sorry dude but, that sounds like you did it fast. I expected you of all people to put effort into it." Jay sighed and nodded. "Yeah but, she already knew about my plans. Adam spilled his guts out and it got out. I didn't bother trying because anything I could've done would've been too risky. You know, with her being pregnant and COVID." I nodded when he said that. "Believe me man, I get it. Remember, I am in the same position that you are. Well, I am married instead of engaged but...Gabby's pregnant too. I even have to hovering father-in-law."

Jay then looked at me when I said that. "I thought Antonio said that his dad wasn't anywhere near here?" I nodded when he said that. "Who do you think I see more as my father-in-law than my real father-in-law? I asked Antonio for Gabby's hand in marriage instead of her dad. I swear, that brother-in-law of mine is a real joker. He tried to make me feel bad that I didn't wait for Ramon to get back into town to ask him but...then he laughed and I told him it wasn't cool. I am going to get him back someday. I am going to give Eva's boyfriend permission to marry her on his behalf." Unfortunately, Antonio vetoed that the minute I said that.

"Uhm, you will do no such thing!" Turning to look at him when I said that, I smiled at him. "How are you doing?" Antonio then smiled. "Just coming to send my congrats to Jay and Erin." Jay then looked at him. "Who told you?" Antonio laughed. "I saw Matt and Gabby here because I was on my way to their place to talk to them about something." I turned to look at him. "Oh, that OFI thing." Antonio nodded. "Think we can talk about it after you are done here?" I nodded and smiled when he said that. "I am sure that Gabby is okay with you coming in. You are isolating at home. The only reason I am okay with Jay is because he is isolating too."

Antonio then turned to look at him. "How do you know he's isolating?" I laughed when he asked me that. "Dude, he is engaged to a pregnant woman...I am married to a pregnant woman. He is going to be doing the same thing as me. The only difference between the two of us is that, I already have a kid and we are married instead of engaged." Jay nodded when I said that. "Yeah, that is pretty much the only difference." Antonio smiled when we both said that. "Honestly, I think you guys are going to be fast friends during the pandemic. I mean, you're both isolating."

I then turned to look at Jay when Antonio said that and nodded. "We'll see. Just have to get past the fact that I don't like his future de facto father-in-law." Jay then looked at me. "Dude, you think that anybody likes Voight in this city?" I laughed when he said that. "Our feud goes back a while but...I am trying to get past it because my brother-in-law works for him. Gets awkward at times. By the way, when you're at our I talking to Detective Dawson or Antonio?" Antonio smiled when I said that. "I am always Antonio to you until you break my sister's heart."

Jay laughed when he said that because he thought he was joking. "Antonio, I love Gabby and I am not going to do anything to screw us up. You have nothing to worry about. Remember, I was going to move down to the Bahamas to be with you and your family. If that's not a huge sign of love, I don't know what is." Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "By the way, you are going to keep going to meetings right? Just because you moved back doesn't mean that you can give up on your sobriety. Antonio promise me that you are going to stay sober."

Pushing the swing a few more times, I smiled as Louie was enjoying himself. He could stay entertained in this for a while. So much so that I literally just had to keep my hand out and push him a little. I just had to do that and concentrate on my conversation, that was all I had to do right now. That's when Gabby looked at me and smiled. Flashing her a smile back, I could tell she either wanted to talk to me or wanted a kiss. "Hey Antonio, can you keep pushing your nephew?" Antonio looked at me confused. "Gabby is summoning me." He then agreed.

Walking away to go see Gabby, I smiled at her. "You wanted to see me." Gabby then laughed when I said that before going to get up and kiss me softly. "Sorry, you just look cute pushing the swing like that." Going to grab her hands, I smiled as I held her close to me. "Just let me know when you want to go okay? We can go whenever you want to." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Walking back over to Louie, I smiled as I went to push him in the swing so that I could keep him entertained while talking to Jay and Antonio about our case.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now