Chapter 215

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished eating breakfast and getting ready to go, we were now at the door with Stella and Severide. Bending down to look at Louie, I smiled at him. "Listen bud, mommy and daddy have to go be with some friends today okay?" Louie nodded and got a bit shy. "Why is everybody so sad daddy?" I then went to hug him. "That's because a really good friend of ours died. You remember grandpa Boden?" Louie nodded. "You haven't seen him in a while right?" He nodded again. "Well bud, he died recently. We are going to his funeral."

Louie nodded when I said that and went to hug me. "But your daddy also has a new job. I am the new Firehouse Chief. That means I am uncle Kelly's boss. That cool buddy?" Louie then smiled and nodded. "Have a good day daddy." I then went to pick him up. "Say bye to mommy first." He nodded and then went to kiss her softly. "Bye mama." Gabby smiled when he did that and nodded. "Have a good day with your grandma bud." I then went to set him down before walking over to Gabby and grabbing her hand. "You want to bring anything? A pillow, sweats?"

Gabby then turned to look at me. "Matt, keep talking and I tell Kelly how much you cried last night. Oh and I don't help you through it later. I already have my mom taking Louie to her place once he packed some toys. Mom, don't forget to lock up please." Camila nodded and agreed. "You sure that you don't want me to stay here?" Gabby then sighed. "Mom, we haven't been alone in a while and I want to grieve a bit with Matt without also having to take care of Louie. Is that okay?" I could tell Gabby was getting frustrated so I gave her the car keys. "Go relax okay?"

Gabby then nodded and went to walk out. "Severide, can you go with her? I am going to talk to my mother-in-law quick." Severide nodded and agreed as he led Gabby out. I then looked at Camila and sighed. "Listen Camila, I get you think that Louie being here is best for Gabby but...she is just putting on a brave face today. She has been crying a lot because she is sad. Her pregnancy hormones are not helping, it's just making it worse. If we could have the house to ourselves when we get back..." Camila then nodded and agreed with me. "Of course Matt."

I then looked at Louie and smiled at him. "Louie, how about you go pack up some toys. You are going to stay at Grandma's tonight okay?" Louie nodded and agreed. "Promise you'll call?" I nodded and then went to hug him again. Kissing his cheek, I smiled at him. "I love you buddy. You know that right?" Louie nodded and smiled. I then went to play with him a bit and tapped his nose. "You be a good boy for grandma and I will talk to you later." I then went to kiss his forehead before walking out of the house and waving at them both. 

Walking out to the car, I saw Gabby standing at her side and then just walked up to her. "Louie is going to your mom's tonight, don't worry." I then went to wrap my arms around her and just held her close. Severide looked at us and then took his car keys out. "Go ahead, we'll catch up." He nodded and agreed with me before going to get in his car so that he could leave. Meanwhile, I just held Gabby for a minute and went to kiss her cheek softly. "Listen, if you just want to go to the funeral...I am okay with that. We can..." Gabby shook her head. "I am going to the firehouse."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Whatever you want okay babe? Now, let's go and just take some breaths for me okay? This is going to be a hard day for everybody. Do you still want me to be a pall bearer or would you rather I delegate that task to someone else?" Gabby then looked at me. "No, you can be a pall bearer. It's the right thing to do." I sighed. "Gabby, if you want me to sit with you...I would much rather be there." Gabby then sighed and grabbed my hands. "Can you sit with me?" I nodded and agreed with me. "Let me call Donna on the way."

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to sit down in the car so that we could get going. Walking around the car, I went to get into the driver's seat before looking at her. "Gabby, take deep breaths for me okay? I know your pregnancy hormones and grief are both working at the same time right now. Just remember that I am here for you. I am going to be by your side all day." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that, ready to get this day over with...just like we all (secretly) were too. This was going to be a hard day for all of us.

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