Sun 16

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XVI: Sun

        Hwasa and Wheein immediately made their way to Solar's company, hoping to see Moonbyul once again.

When they arrive at the company there they saw Solar's car parked just beside the entrance and is visible that there is someone on the driver seat. Hwasa immediately made her way to the car window and slowly tap the window in which got Solar's whole attention.

Solar opened the door for her two friends, it was visible that they were also trying to look for Moonbyul but they weren't able to see anyone that resembles the girl.

"Unnie?" Hwasa asked looking at Solar worried. "Where is Moonbyul unnie?" Hwasa continued. Solar staring afar slowly dragged her eyes to Hwasa's and looked as if she was about to cry.

Wheein felt that tears were about to be shed immediately grabbed her handkerchief and as if on cue Solar's tears slowly raced down from her eyes. Wheein slowly dab her handkerchief on her unnie's face. Hwasa tried to comfort Solar by rubbing her back.

They know and they felt they wanted to cry as well, for the longest of time the person that they thought already dead finally came back... Or possibly came back in which they are not sure.

The two girls wanted to further asked Solar about it but they knew with her current state she might not be able to tell them, the two decided to stick with Solar. Wheein asked Solar to move to the back seat with Hwasa as she drive Solar's car to her house.

They are on the middle of the silent road no one dared to speak even the car horns outside the city seem to be cooperating.

Solar suddenly spoke up out of the blue. "I saw her and she said her name was Eun Byul." Hwasa looked at her as Wheein try to glimpse from the back mirror of the car.

"Eun Byul? Unnie are you sure it's Moonbyul unnie?" Hwasa suddenly asked earning a look of doubt from Solar. 'Maybe I was hallucinating', Solar thought to herself. "No. The resemblance is uncanny." Solar firmly said remembering the girls she talked to a while ago.

"Unnie..." Wheein uttered, Solar immediately look at the girl from the mirror. "Will there be a way for you to find her again or let us see her as well or even talk to her. I also would want to see Byul unnie." Wheein's question put Solar on a deep thought.

'Maybe there is a way.' Solar thought to herself remembering the trainee that the girl is with a while ago. 'Soojin...' Solar thought to herself.

The two girls kept on staring at their unnie. "There could be a way..." Solar uttered which earned raging hope from the two. "... but I'll need to set it up first."

"Do you need our help unnie?" Wheein asked, "Thank you Wheein-ah but as of now I'll try what popped on my head." Solar asked. Solar immediately texted her secretary.

'Text me the details of Soojin the trainee phone number. ASAP. Thank you!'

The three arrived at Solar's apartment they all sat on the living area. Wheein grabbed a few bottle of juice on the fridge as they all settle down on the long cozy sofa.

"What's the plan unnie?" Hwasa curiously ask. "I'll tell you once she agreed okay?" Hwasa just shrugged her shoulders and agreed with her unnie. "Okay unnie, let us meet her okay I'll believe in this plan of yours." Solar smiled at Hwasa. Wheein observing the two on the side trying to hold onto the questions she has on her mind.

Solar's phone beeped as a signal of an incoming text. The two girls immediately looked at their Unnie as Solar immediately grabbed her phone and turned on the phone. Solar immediately copied the number and tried to send a text message ignoring the other questions her secretary asked.

'Soojin-ssi you've mention your sister wrote the music you sang a while ago right? Does she have other compositions as well is there a way that I could hear her other compositions?'

Solar sent it to Soojin as soon as she finished typing. After a minute or two her phone beeped once again.

'Good Evening CEO-nim, Unnie has a lot of compositions but she never publishes them. I can send you some of her demos right now.'

Solar read this and saw sound files on her message. Solar played the song demo.

*Solar listened to Moonbyul's Mirror*

The two were shocked on what they heard. Not only the face as it seems that fully matches with their unnie but also the voice was completely hers.

"Byulyi unnie..." Hwasa uttered as she listens to the song. Wheein also shocked. She missed her unnie's voice for so long and hearing the low voice gave her shivers down her spine. "Unnie is singing..." Wheein silently whispers trying to celebrate and compliment how her unnie is so good at singing.

Solar played the second demo.

**Solar played absence**

"I didn't know unnie sang this good, she was only into rap before but now I don't know if I should believe the resemblance or not." Wheein trying to think out of the box as she tries to reason out logically on the matter that they are currently on.

'Is your Unnie open to review these songs with me so maybe we could publish it in an album?'

Solar replied to Soojin.


Soojin's POV

Soojin screamed on the top of her lungs as she read the latest message Solar sent her. "Unnie! Unnie! Our CEO wants to give your composition a listen. She wanted to help you publish it.

"Uhhh but why?" Byul asked out of the blue. "I don't know but she just sent me a message." Soojin answered. "But I don't even know her." Byul asked curiously. "It doesn't matter as long as you'll be able to succeed on publishing your songs."

"Unnie, my CEO wanted to talk to you tomorrow about your songs compositions around 9 AM would that be okay?" Soojin uttered as she made her way to the restroom to brush her teeth.

"I guess that would be fine." Eun Byul answered which earned a bright smile from her sister Soojin.

"All settled then!" Soojin uttered happily.


Thank you for patiently waiting!

Sorry for the late update!

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I have a goal to at least post 1000 words per week 

I'll try to finish this first and then the HUSH

Thank you for reading up until now!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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