Moon 5

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Playing the music while reading and playing it on loop will make the story feel better!~~
try it! :D


I bid them good bye as they nod at me.

I need to go home early since I have a lot of work to do, our teachers were no joke even though I just started, and a week late from the actual start of classes they are asking me to do a lot of things to keep up.

I don't have any choice so I need to finish it tonight so I won't cram too much for tomorrow.

I rode my car and started the engine.




I looked at it, it was an unregistered number. I decided to answer it with my Bluetooth headset.

I quickly regret answering the call as soon as I answered it,

"Hello?" I asked after answering the call.

"Moonbyul, let's talk" I felt my anger flowing all through out of my body.

"Why? What for?" I tried to control myself,

"Please can we talk." I am speechless, I don't know what to answer and after awhile I ended up saying,

"I am busy." I quickly hanged up.

i tried my best to ignore that call.

I actually lied about my ex girlfriend's relationship, it didn't ended up mutually, we weren't in good terms, it ended pretty bad. She just decided to drift away from me without saying anything, the next thing I know was she is already chasing her dreams somewhere else while I on the other hand left hanging waiting for her.

I wanted to talk to her ask question and ask for her explanations and I decided to gather all the guts to do it, I decided to go to an unknown place just for her and that's where Eric came in, he was there flirting with her every single day I just watched from afar, my heart sank with pain. I then decided to end the thing going on and decided to approach her about it.

When I showed up she wasn't even shock instead she just smirked at me, I tried asking her and ended up with the most painful words she could ever utter that time.

"Didn't you get it, I left you because were done. I am the Queen bee remember? I can just leave whenever I want."

and she instantly left.

I stayed there, wasn't able to move.

She was the love of my life, even though we were in a secret relationship, no one found us out and yet she gave up on me. She told me there's a forever and yet were not. I tried my best to make her feel the most important girl in the world, my world, and yet it was never enough.

Love can't just strengthen the love itself.

I stayed there for another week, I was drinking by myself and locked into my room, all I ate was noodles.

I tried saving myself from the painful feeling.

After a week my grandfather called me and asked me to go back, since then I decided to continue my life slowly, all my plans were changed, I will no longer go on a music school instead I'll be on a elite private school, I am planning to get a business related course which what my grandfather like.

When I came back I devoted my time with car racing and ended up asking my grandfather to buy me a car. I spend my time with clubs and car racing since then. I never had another girl nor a boy after that. I decided the person who is worthy enough with my love isn't there yet. I had flings every time I go to the club they hit on me, but we never had sex just pure flirting.

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