Sun 14

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After the dismissal and as she bid her goodbye to her friends Solar was immediately escorted by her assistant on their car since she has a photo shoot. They were obviously in a hurry so she wasn't even able to rest after her classes.

When she got to the studio, she was immediately brought to the make-up room that also serves as her waiting area and changing room. But as soon as they opened the door there was another girl sitting in front of the mirror having her make up done. Solar became shocked when she saw the girl's face it was Krystal.

Krystal bowed slightly at her through the mirror as Solar bowed back. The make-up artist continued touching up Krystal's Make-up. Solar on the other hand was guided to the other seat beside Krystal. Another make-up artist sat between them and starts putting make-up on Solar's face.

"I didn't know you we're a model?" Solar asked suddenly without facing Krystal. "Uhh yeah I was scouted on the street a few years ago." Krystal immediately replied without the sound of sarcasm as she answered. Solar just slowly nod avoiding asking more questions.

Solar kept her silence as she avoid further discussion with the stranger beside her, as soon as Krystal's make-up artist finished Krystal's make-up she was immediately called by the photographer and immediately left the waiting area.

Solar sighed to herself as Krystal left the room, 'this is going to be a long day.' Solar thought to herself.

The day went by Solar trying to ignore Krystal on the whole process and she successfully did except when the when they were both on break and both of them were at the waiting room lounging.

"Are you Byul's girlfriend?" Krystal suddenly asked looking at Solar from the mirror. Solar was taken aback when she looked at Krystal in return. "W-why did you ask?" Solar answered stuttering a bit her gaze stayed at the other girl. "I'm just curious and I guess you're not." Krystal smirked as she went back using her phone.

"W-what if I am?" Solar answered back that got the other girls attention once again. "Well you don't sound like one." Krystal answered with sarcasm and Solar's tongue got caught and wasn't able to reply anymore. She shut up to the thought. She didn't know what to say and sat there quietly completely ignoring Krystal's presence. "If you are then, watch me get back with her." Solar glared at her as while Krystal just smiled at her and walked away.

Solar's mind was a mess she can feel it something isn't right. She didn't know what it was so she let it go.

=Change of POV=

3rd person POV

After a few days

Moonbyul went to her grandfather's house to lounge and play with Sarang since she really loved her younger sister she was so eager to have one and now that she have one she tries to spoil her as much as she can.

Their helper suddenly opened that main door and there appeared her step mother. Sarang immediately squealed and ran towards her mother and share her stories with her, while Moonbyul just stared at them.

"Can you call Hyun Woo", her mother ordered the helper and after a few minutes Hyun Woo appeared from upstairs she approached her mother and kissed her on the cheek. Moonbyul's stepmom looked at her and completely ignored her.

Moonbyul's grandfather was notified by her daughter-in law's arrival so he immediately made his way home. Upon his arrival he saw that they were all at the dining area for lunch so he went to the dining are.

When Mr. Moon arrives Moonbyul's step mother talked with Mr. Moon with regards to staying there for some time as they fix a lot of stuff and there it appeared the topic of being the heir of Mr. Moon's assets. "You should give my son and daughter even a partial inheritance since they are your grandchildren." Moonbyul's step mom uttered as they were all sitting in the dining table for lunch.

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