What I Can Do for Now ch3

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Izu:y/n! Today is our first day at ua! I can't wait!

I know right! I can't wait to start training to be a hero!:y/n

Izu:meet me in front of ua! So we can talk!


Y/n put his phone away while he arrives at UA. Then y/n sees izuku. "Hey izuku!" Y/n said as he runs towards izuku.

"Hey y/n! I can't believe it! We are in UA!" Izuku said with a bright smile. "I know right! The number 1 school in Japan!" Y/n said with a smile.

"We should head to class" izuku said happily. "Yeah!" Y/n said as they started walking to their home room.

When they arrived in front of their home room. "The doors are so big" Izuku said with amazement.

Then they walked in. "Remove your foot from the desk! That's very insulting!" Some blue hair with glasses said.

"Like I care. What middle school are you from extra?" Some angry blonde asked as he keeps his feet on the table. Y/n started to get nervous. And so does izuku.

"I'm from somei private academy! I'm tenya Ida!" Ida said while he does a hand gesture. "Somei? A stuck up elitist, then? I should blow you up to bits!" The angry dude said.

(Y/n's POV)

'Damm the angry dude is kind of scary' I thought as ida said "you're awful! Do you really wish to become a hero?"

Then ida spots us at the door. Sweat started to go down my face. I sighed. 'No need to get nervous' I thought.

"I'm tenya ida. Midoriya you have perceived the true nature of that practical exam. While I did not. I misjudged you!! I hate to admit it, but you were the superior candidate" ida said as deku just stood there. "Deku" the angry dude said. "His name is izuku midoriya. Call him by his real name. You angry Pomeranian" I said as izuku was freaking out.

"Y/n! D-don't say that about him! He will just call you rude names" Izuku said. "What did you just say? You extra?!" The Pomeranian.

"That was very rude of you y/n! I expect more from you" ida said as I looked at him. "I barely know you and your expected more?" I asked izuku was shocked again. "Y/n! Just calm down!" Izuku said. I sighed. "Yeah. Let me introduce my self. I'm y/n okkotsu" I said as a brown hair girl came in. "Ah! That curly hair!" She said.

"The plain looking boy! And his friend!" The girl said. "You got in just like present mic said! Makes sense though! That punch was awesome!" The girl said as she punched the air. "No I mean. I have to thank you for speaking for my behalf!" Izuku stuttered. I sighed. "How do you know about that?" The girl asked as I sensed our teacher at the door. I turned around to see him laying there.

"If your here to socialize. Then leave. This is the hero course" he said as he drink some juice.

"It took you 8 seconds for you to calm down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational. Are you?" He asked us. "So he's a pro hero too?" Izuku asked. "He's easer head! He's a stealth hero! His quirk erase quirks just by looking at them!" I said everyone looked at me. Sweat started to come down my face. "Don't interrupted me again. I'm your home room teacher. Shots aizawa. Pleased to meet you" he said.

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