Hero killer ch 10

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Y/n and Izuku then ran as they held their bag on their head. So they don't get wet that much. Then they see Ida running to their class. "Hurry up y/n, midoriya! And good morning!!" Ida said as he ran pasted them.

Y/n and Izuku then ran behind him. "Are you ok?" Y/n asked Ida. "Don't worry about me!" Ida said with a smile as they went inside ua. "I had all these people talking to me on my way here!" Some class 1a student said with happiness. "Me too" Kirishima said with a smile. "Yeah the grade schoolers said I made a good effort" Sero said with a nervous smile.

"Good morning" Aizawa said as he scratches his eye. "Today. We're got hero informatics class. And a special unit. You'll be coming up with your hero name" Aizawa said as the class was happy. Aizawa then glared at them and they immediately calmed down.

"But first concerning the pro draft picks I mentioned the other day. It's based on who the pros think will be ready to join the hero workforce after another two or three years of experience. So you could say that it's a way for them to show interest in you. But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate. And any and all offers can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often" Aizawa said.

"So if we pick right now. That just means there'll be higher hurdles in the years to come!" Invisible girl said. "Yeah. Now here the complete draft pick numbers. There's typically more of a spread. But our top three will stole the spotlight" Aizawa said as he showed the top three. Y/n was 6,896. Todoroki was at 4,123. And bakugo is 3,456. It showed the rest. "Gaahhh. Their on whole another league!" Denki said as he Lean back.

"With that settled whether you were picked or not you will all have a chance to work alongside the pros. It's true that you all have already experienced more than most, but seeing the pros in action and taking the part yourselves will still be worthwhile training" Aizawa said. "That's where our hero's names come in!!" Sato shouted in excitement. "This is really getting fun!" Uraraka said as she made a fist with hand.

"Pick appropriate hero names"  Aizawa said as midnight came in.

Time skip

"Now all we have left is y/n, bakugo, midoriya, and ida" midnight said as the class attention went to the names that were said. Ida then stood up and showed his name 'tenya'. And then midoriya showed his hero name 'deku'. Y/n then went up there and showed his hero name 'Rika'. Bakugo started to laugh about this. "Your hero name is a girls name! What's worse that's your quirk's names!" Bakugo said as he kept laughing.

"I think it's a nice name" Deku said with a smile. "Yeah I think it's great!' Uraraka said. "Thanks" y/n said with a smile. Y/n then went to his seat and sat down. "So now you have to decide which agency you want to go work with" Aizawa said as he handed out papers to every student.

When y/n got his paper. It had endeavor hero agency, and many more agencies. 'What should I choose? There so many to pick' Y/n thought.

Time skip

Everyone had there hero costumes packed. They were all outside of a train station. "All of you behave" Aizawa said as he walked away. Then Ida was walking away but was stopped by "Ida! If it ever gets to be too much and you need to talk just say something. We are your friends" deku said with a small smile. Ida then looked at them and smiled. "Yeah" Ida said weirdly. He then walked away.

"Oh wait for me todoroki" y/n said as todoroki stood still. "I'm going to endeavor hero agency too" y/n said as todoroki just looked at y/n weirdly. "Why did you pick that agency?" Todoroki asked. "He is the number 2 hero. And plus I would like to train with you" y/n said as they walked together to their destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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