chapter three

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George was thinking about his interaction with Maya. He said to himself "I can't believe you gave her a whole bag of sugar" Being alone for a while can sometimes make you see things, and those things can be your dead twin.

"That was a stupid move"  Fred commented and looked at George

"A stupid move was your dying" George rebuttal. He drank the rest of his tea and went and cleaned the pot and the cup. He was probably going mad, seeing his dead twin in front of him but grief can be the cause of many things.

"A stupid move was pushing our family and friends away, they only want to help you Georgie" Fred tried to reason with George.

"You are dead" George repeated to himself like he was reminding himself that Fred wasn't there. "You are just in my mind"

"Of course I'm just in your mind!" Fred responded and was getting quite annoyed with his twin.
"I'm very much dead." He crossed his arms and looked at George. "You are a mess"

"And you died," George said and put away the pot and cup in the cabinets. "You are not one to judge right now."

"When was the last time you even left this place," Fred said and George was about to say something before Fred interrupted him and said "besides from groceries. You are a shell of a person George, you know that I would want you to be happy-"

"And how am I supposed to be happy!" George had snapped and finally had enough. He had thrown the teacup on the ground and it broke. "You died, Fred! And you left me alone! I can't do this alone Freddie! I just can't!" He felt tears racing down his face and even though he knew Fred wasn't there he was just so upset. In a quiet voice, George said "I couldn't save you, Freddie...I couldn't save you" He then heard a pound on the floor beneath him. He has heard this sound many times before. It means he is being too loud and the person below him is getting annoyed. He turned to say something to Fred and Fred was gone.

He wiped the tears quickly and he went and picked up the pieces of the cup and mumbled "George you are going mad" he put the pieces of the cup in the trash and he went back into his bed. He laid down and looked at the ceiling and then at the empty place where Fred once stood. His words were racing through his head. 'You are a shell of a person George, you know that I would want you to be happy.' How was he supposed to just move on? Everyone was trying to make him move on, and accept that Fred is dead. He can't just accept that his other half is dead.

He pulled his blankets over his head groaning a bit. He closed his eyes and tried to get his mind off things. The two things he could picture were Fred's dead body lying in the main hall and the letters on his kitchen table that are going unread.  Another image flashed through his head, it was of Maya smiling at him. How can the world be happy when he feels like nothing. Maya was the first person he met since he had moved here.

He got off up, taking off the blankets and grabbed Ron's letter out of the trash and looked at it. He grabbed out a quill and a piece of paper and started to write, he sat down at the kitchen table,

'Dear Ron,

I'm fine Ron, as our mother may have told you. I can't be in the wizarding world. Every bloody thing reminds me of him and I just can't do it. I hope you and Hermione are doing okay, and tell the rest of our family that I'm fine and I just need time.


He sent the letter and then looked through the pile of letters and opened them one by one. Harry had written to him how they should meet up again and talk. How Harry was worried about him and so was Ginny. Bill had written about how George should visit home and how much their mom was worried about him and how much they miss him. Another letter from Ron. Ron had written 'how they had lost Fred and that they didn't want to lose him too.' and that was the last straw for reading the letters. George crumbled all of the letters and tossed them in the trash, and for the second time of the day George broke down crying.

He got so accustomed to crying alone. He hid his face in his hands as tears rushed down his cheeks into his hands.  He breathed in heavily as he sobbed into his hands.  George quietly, between the sobs said "Why Freddie.. Why did you have to go off and die.. I just can't do this.. I need you, Freddie... I need you now more than ever before."  He felt his chest rise and fall heavily and his vision was blurry due to the tears coming from his eyes. He was consumed by grief and by guilt. Why couldn't it have been him, why was Fred the one who had to die. George stood up shakily and went back to his bed. He pulled his sheets over him and even though it was only 2:30 pm he cried himself to sleep.

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