Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov

"Damn, you got your ass dumped", Rachel laughed. "Leave me alone", I snapped. I was laying in my bed as I talked to Rachel on the phone.

"Wait is Tracey that chick on the weird show, the one with the weird dancing", she asked. "Yeah that was her", I replied. "Damnnn you lost a good one, if she was in her I would've made her my bitch", she cackled. "No the fuck you would not", I snapped. "Hahaha gotcha", she laughed. "Got what", I asked. "Babes you have a crush on her", she replied. "No I do not", I retorted now sitting up. "That pussy must be good if it got you to feel head over fucking heels for her", she laughed. "It was just to release stress, no little crushes, no love", I stated. "Keep telling yourself that hun", she said. Before I could say anything my phone began to buzz causing me to move it away from my ear. I saw the caller ID was unknown.

"I got to go, I'll talk to you later", I said. "Later babes", she said then I hanged up and answered the unknown number. I answered only to hear a loud ass burp.

"What the fuck", I snapped only to hear laugher, it was Trevor. "How did you get my number", I asked. "Our good friend Mikey gave it to me", he replied.

"You lyin"

"Wellll I made have stole if from his phone, but that doesn't matter"

"I have a job fo you", he added. "What is it", I asked while rubbing my eyes. "Me and a couple of my buddies need an escort and I know you are exceptional driver", he explained. "Can't you drive y'all selves", I asked. "Look I know what it like to lose a friend and it can cause some people to want to end their lives", he explained.

"What the fuck are you talking about", I sighed. "How about this you'll get paid with a good amount of money and we can develop a friendship not too bad of deal huh huh", he said causing me to sigh. "Fine yeah whatever I'll send you my address", I said. "No need madam we are already outside", he replied. I crawled over my bed to get to the window and open the blinds. I saw Trevor and some guy with clown makeup? He waved at me from outside. I scowled at them then closed the blinds.

I got out of my bed and went to wash up and got dressed. I headed for the front door and opened it then stepped out of my house. I locked it then turn around to face them.

"There's my favorite n word!!", he cheered while holding his arms out while walking towards me. I raised my hand to stop him.

"Gotcha not a hugger no worries", he laughed. "Where are we going", I asked. "We have to go pick up a package", he replied. "Still don't see the reason to have me tag along", I said. "Think of it like as like a hangout, you are my best friend- let me rephrase that, ex best buddy adoptive child why not try to get to know one another", he explained. Why did I do to deserve this.

"Fine let's go then", I said as I began to head toward his car. I got into the diver seat, Trevor got into the passenger side and the clown guy got into the back. Once they were in I backed out of the driveway and drive to where they were heading to. The place wasn't too far thankfully.

"Sooo how you'd meet Mikey", Trevor asked. "A long story", I replied. "We got time", he said. "Fine, I robbed a nearby tax place and of course bad timing some cops were in the area", I said. "It was so many that I had to steal a car since they blocked my original way of escape", I said. "So how did you escape", he asked. "I was able to lose them for a couple of seconds and the car I took I guess belong to some construction worker or somethin, they had a bunch of bricks in the car", I said. "I used on the bricks to press down on the gas petal and moved out of the car", I added. "I got a bunch of bruises and scratches from the dive, but I forced myself to hop Micheal's home gate and sneak into their home", I said. "Tracey found me and freaked then Micheal found me, instead of snitching he patched me up", I explained.

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