Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

I slammed my door open and stomped outside to glare at Trevor who was in my front yard throwing rocks at my window. He threw a big rock up to one of my windows most definitely making a crack in it. He picked dup another, but once he noticed me he refrained from doing so. 

"Could you I don't know not throw rocks at my fucking window", I snapped. "Come on it's a movie reference", he laughed walking over towards me. "You unfortunately have my number so next time call me", I spat. "Now what do you want", I groaned rubbing my eyes. 

         "Micheal is rubbing wayyy too much on you time for me to rub some of me on ya", he cackled while doing a dance. "Please don't phrase it like that", I groaned. "Anyway we have a job by we I mean Micheal and I do, but I'm making it take yer kid to work day", he explained doing jazz hands when saying taking your kid to work day.

"I'm not going if I'm not getting paid", I said. "I can get you some money", he replied. "Not five dollars", I sighed. "Fine okay just get dressed gotta look our best", he said about to talk inside, but I closed the door in his face. I went to walk away, but stopped mid way when I heard the cocking of a gun.

"IT'S RUDE SLAMMING DOORS INTO PEOPLE'S FACES Y'KNOW", Trevor shouted from the other end. I rolled my eyes and walked back over towards the door and opened it for him. He put his gun away and walked into my place. I looked down seeing he made large mud footprints as he did.

"Fuck why me", I sighed closing the front door then went to go get changed.

        "You going to tell me what the job is", I asked. "Uh no it's a surprise", Trevor replied. He turned the car down a dirt road that led to the place we met last time for a recent job. The job where he had to kidnap that guy from the FIB I think with Micheal and Franklin. Trevor parked the car next to Micheal's then we both got out.

        "Why the fuck is Y/n here", Micheal questioned. "Did ya forget it's bring your kid to work day Mikey", Trevor answered. "No it's not", Micheal fussed. "You're just saying that cause you know your precious little ones ditched you", Trevor replied. "Oh fuck off", Micheal snapped flicking the cigarette onto the ground and crushing it with his boot. "You know that stuff will kill you", Trevor stated. "Yeah I know", Micheal sighed. "I take speed mostly and look at me Boom! Best shape of my life", Trevor exclaimed. 

         "Such a model figure", I commented. "See the kid gets it", Trevor cackled. "Yeah", Micheal sighed. "Yeah I could still take you sugartits", Trevor said. "That's because you're fucking deranged not because you're in good shape", Micheal replied. "Hey why don't you stick to doing fucking crunches and feeling bad about yourself, alright pork chop", Trevor said then began heading up some stairs, it was just a few steps.

        "Hey fuck you", Micheal snapped. I followed them up the stairs. , I better get paid for thiS Shit.  You know, I'm beginning to think that's exactly what you wanna do", Trevor explained. "Yeah..Jesus...I just said the same fucking thing to my wife", Micheal sighed. "Mikey not in front of the kid", Trevor fussed then opened the door. Micheal looked at me and just shook his head then we went inside.

       "Did you see his face that last time I popped him BOOM", a voice laughed. "OH LADIES", the voice called out to us. We looked down at them from below. It was those FIB guys. I recognized the guy with the beard, the one who's knows Micheal. There was some guy with a green sweater and beige pants. The one who called us ladies was wearing a blue collard shirt

         "God you're an asshole", Trevor spat while gripping the wooden railing. "You you back thee", Trevor said while pointing a finger at the Dave guy, the one who knows Micheal. 

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