Trust me

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         -At school the following day-

Kara and Lena sat comfortably next to each other in their History class their hands intertwined as they payed attention to the lesson.Every so often Kara would glance at her gorgeous girlfriend admiring the face she made when she concentrated,Kara got so lost looking at Lena that she missed the teacher calling her name "Miss Danvers"he said.No reply "Mhm Miss Danvers"he said again clearing his throat to get his attention "Huh"Kara said snapping out of her daze "Uh nice of you to return back to earth Miss Danvers"he said glaring at her "Prehaps it would be beneficial for you and Miss Luthor to split seeing as you are clearly distracted"he continued motioning Kara to take a seat at the desk at the back.Kara halfheartedly made her way to the back of the class glancing once more at Lena who smiled reassuringly at her letting her know that it would all be over soon and they could be together again.It was silly really and they both knew it but ever since their confession of sharing feelings and then starting their relationship the thought of being apart even for a second was an unbearable one,what made matters worse was that Kara was now sitting next to Sam which made Lena uneasy.As the class progressed Lena silently glanced back to take a peak at Kara and Sam,the two seemed to be in deep discussion which made Lena slightly jealous though she didn't know why Kara was her girlfriend afterall but seeing her with Sam made her think of the Party the night they confessed their feelings but also the night Sam had kissed Kara.Lena secretly feared that if Kara spent time with Sam again that she would lose interest in her,she felt silly for thinking it Kara loved her.Right?

At lunch Kara and Lena sat together holding hands as they spoke with Alex and Kate who had since come around on the fact that Lena wasn't the bad guy much to Kara's relief she hated anyone who thought that her Lena was a monster like her family "You guys are so cute"Kate said watching as the couple sat cozily next to each other "Ew barf"Alex said pretending to gag "You're just jealous because you're single"Kate said teasing her "Shut it Kane"Alex said frowning "You could just ask Maggie out"Kate Prodded "Shut it"Alex warned "Who's Maggie?" Kara asked smirking at her big sister "No one shh"Alex said going a crimson red "Sounds like Alex has a crush"Lena chimed in "Stay out of it Luthor"Alex said going even redder "I'd say she's in love"Kate teased "Okay that's it I'm leaving"Alex said standing up "Oh come on we're just teasing"Kara said grabbing Alex's hand "We'll stop now"she continued "Thank you"Alex said sitting down again "My sister has a crush!"Kara she said squealing which recieved a grunt from Alex who dropped her head on the table hiding her embarrassment "Stooop"she grumbled "Fine fine"Kara said grinning at her sibling.As lunch continued the four engaged in conversation when suddenly Sam walked over the table "Heya gang how's it going"Sam greeted everyone nodded a greeting in return "May I sit?"she asked "Of course"Kara replied which made the jealousy in Lena rise again 'Stop it Lena'she told herself.Sam sat beside Alex across from Kara "What brings you to this side"Alex asked Sam didn't often hang with them not since she joined the Softball team "Wanted to ask Kara something actually"Sam replied "Me?"Kara asked intrigued "Yes you"Sam said "Okay well what is it that you want to ask?"she asked "Well first off it's a big ask and you don't have to say yes but it would mean a lot if you did"Sam said almost pleading "What's the question?"Kara asked impatient and filled with curiosity "One of our players got injured recently and we're down a man,I've seen you play for Gym class,you've got a mean swing on you I really think you could be a great addition to the team"Sam said "I'm flattered Sam I just-I don't know I'm really not sure it would be a good idea"Kara replied,she thought for a moment before continuing "Can I think about it and give you an answer tomorrow?"She asked "Of course"Sam said happily "Anyway I should go gotta tell coach we have a potential player"Sam said hopefully before walking off away from the group "Are you going to say yes?"Alex asked "I'm not sure"Kara replied.Lena wanted Kara to make a decision she'd be happy with but deep down she was worried that this would give Sam more opportunity to get closer with Kara-I mean why ask Kara anyway there were plenty of other people who could fill the spot She didn't like the game Sam seemed to be playing.

                  -At Kara's house-

Lena sat on Kara's bed while Kara lay down reading a book.Lena was twirling her hair between her fingers her book lay open on her lap but she was staring at an empty space in the corner of Kara's bedroom.Kara put her book down and rested her head in her hand looking over at a still zoned out Lena "Okay what's wrong you've been spaced out for like 20 minutes"Kara said "Huh-Oh nothing's wrong"Lena lied which Kara picked up right away "Liar,you always zone out when something is bugging you"she said calling out her girlfriends lie "I'm fine Kara" Lena replied avoiding Kara's gaze "Okay something's clearly wrong"Kara said her brow crinkling as she sat up "Talk to me"she said lifting Lena's chin up to look at her "What's wrong?"she asked Lena took a deep breath before responding "Are you going to join the softball team?"she asked,Kara scanned Lena's face to get a hint of what she was trying to convey "Well I-I don't know I kind of want to"Kara replied "Oh"Lena said disappointed "Why does that upset you?Kara asked "It's just-Sam"Lena stammered,realization dawned on Kara "You're jealous because Sam kissed me"Kara said "That and well you seem to get along great it bugs me I guess"Lena admitted "Sam's my friend Lena"Kara said "Yeah but she wants more than that I mean she picked you for the team why not anyone else,she picked you because she likes you"Lena blurted Kara could feel her cheeks getting hot and something tugged at her heart.Lena didn't trust her "She picked me because I'm good at it"Kara said "Despite that Kara she's only trying to get closer to you it's obvious" Lena replied getting frustrated at Kara's obliviousness "You really don't trust me do you"Kara blurted,Lena's eyes flashed "What?"She asked "You don't trust that I know better than to go into a situation where I can potentially be hit on or have someone make a move on me,Sam and I are friends she knows I'm with you she respects that her decision to choose me for the team was purely for my skills nothing more"Kara said standing up from the bed "Oh Kara come you can't seriously be so naive"Lena snapped "I'm not naive you're jealous and you're making a big deal out of something that's not even real I'm not stupid Lena"Kara said "I never said that"Lena replied "You basically did"Kara said growing angrier "The point is you don't think I can handle myself and you don't trust me Lena you don't trust me"Kara said tears beginning to stream down her face "I do Kara-"Lena began realizing that she was upsetting Kara "No you don't, I love you Lena I love you and you don't trust me I have never done anything to make you not trust me"Kara said her face stained with tears "Kara I-I'm sorry"Lena said moving off the bed to stand in front of Kara not hugging her just yet as to not push her "Trust me Lena please"Kara begged "I do I'm sorry"Lena said wrapping her arms around Kara "I'm sorry that I got carried away I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me I know you can handle yourself"Lena said rubbing small circles on Kara's back "I love you Lena and nothing and no one will ever change that"Kara said softly.The two lay on the bed Lena on Kara's chest "I'm sorry for everything I said"Lena said "It's okay"Kara replied "No it's not,I let my own insecurities get the better of me and I said things I didn't mean I lost it and I shouldn't have and for that I'm sorry"Lena said sitting up to look at Kara,Kara caressed Lena's cheek "I get it"Kara said she paused before continuing "Lena Kieran Luthor you are the most extraordinary,most beautiful,most wonderful person and I love you with my whole heart so any insecurities you have just know that no matter what I will be here to reassure you of that love every single day as long as you'll have me"Kara said "I love you Kara Danvers"Lena said a tear forming in her eye which Kara wiped away as she kissed her forehead "I'm never going to do anything or let anyone destroy what we have okay?"Kara asked "Okay"Lena replied resting her forhead on Kara's "Now come here"Kara said pulling Lena back to lie back down.They lay in silence for awhile before Lena broke the silence "I want you to join the team"Lena said "Really"Kara said  looking at Lena "Yes"Lena said sitting up to look at Kara "Are you sure?"she asked "Yes,I was being stupid before not trusting you I want to prove that I do"Lena said "I don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable"Kara replied "Kara I want you to,you'd be a great addition to the team"Lena said smiling at her girlfriend Kara kissed Lena smiling as she did "I love you"she said happily "I love you"Lena said smiling "besides you'd look pretty hot it that uniform"Lena said smirking devishly "Is that so"Kara grinned "Mhm" Lena replied moving to sit on Kara's lap "Well in that case"Kara smirked as she flipped Lena on her back kissing her all over,Lena giggled and wrapped her arms around Kara's neck "Goofball"she said squirming under Kara as she continued to cover her body in gentle kisses.

I'm really feeding you all today this chapter was extra long I just couldn't stop the creativity flowing from my brain 😂teeny bit of angst it's the last of it (or is it😈) Next chapter will be an interesting one.

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