Never Felt Love Like That

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Kara and Lena walked down the street, hand in hand. Lena looked down at their hands intertwined, she smiled,still not quite believing that all that had happened... Happened. She thought back to when Kara and her had walked to the Diner their hands only inches apart and now, now Kara's hand was interlocked with her own and they had kissed, Kara liked her... Like really liked her. Kara looked at Lena and giggled "What?" Lena said looking up at Kara, her eyebrows knitted with worry. Kara was taken aback by Lena facial expression "You just looked so beautiful smiling that it made me feel like my heart was fluttering" Kara said then stopped walking "Are you okay?" She asked, Lena realized that Kara had registered the sudden worry in her expression "Yeah- it's nothing" She lied "Lena if there's something wrong you can tell me" Kara said putting a hand on Lena's shoulder. Lena looked down at her feet "It's just" she sighed, Kara waited patiently for a response, her eyes kind and warm "When you giggled for a moment I thought-I thought that maybe you were just messing with me about your feelings towards you and that this was some hideous joke or something..." she stopped herself "Lena" Kara said cupping her face, lifting her gaze so their eyes would meet "I love you" Kara said, Lena looked deep into Kara's blue eyes, taking in her words feeling the truth of them. Lena hadn't ever felt a feeling like that before, it wasn't Her and Lena standing there it was as if it were their souls, their hearts speaking to one another. Lena felt her heart was glowing with such a warmth, to have someone tell her that they loved her and for her to feel it in the very depths of her soul was something foreign,a feeling of love that she had only ever felt by one person... Her mom,her real mom. Tears began to stream down her face until she was a sobbing ball on the sidewalk, Kara sat in front of her, her hands on Lena's shoulders "I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to..." Kara stammered wondering what to do "No I'm sorry I just-I" Lena sobbed "You probably think I'm a blubbering idiot" Lena said "No No You're not I just-I don't understand why you're crying... Did I say something wrong-" Kara began "No" Lena said putting her hands on Karas arms "No you said everything right-I just... When you said that you loved me I didn't just hear your words it's as if I could feel it in my heart and well I-My whole life the only person who has ever loved me is my birth mother" Lena said looking at Kara, Kara sat beside Lena now and held her "Lee, I'm so sorry" She said "For what... Kara for so long I've lived in that house with that woman, my Father, Lex... Do you know how much it broke me everyday to be ignored by her, yelled at by that drunk man I called a father and a so called brother who belittled everything I did" She said "I can only imagine" Kara replied "I've spent my whole life been looked at like a murderer and a liar... Like a Luthor by everyone-and then you come into my life with this warmth and love and you just made the world not seem so bad anymore, made me not feel like I had to hide, you never saw me as a Luthor and no one had ever done that for me before"Lena said "You never should have had to feel that way to begin with, you're not your family and if anyone actually took the time to get to know you they'd know that" Kara said, her brow creasing. She felt angry about how people treated Lena "Well that's just it no one ever did-until you" Lena said "You're amazing, just all of you. You're kind and honest and your heart it's made of pure gold" she said moving a piece of hair out of Kara's face "And I just feel so incredibly lucky that you love me" She continued "Lee, I'm the lucky one. You're so incredible, you could have hated people right back for all the hate they had for you but you never ever repaid them with hatred you just keep being incredible and kind and that is one of the things I love about you" Kara said running her thumb across Lena's cheeks "I love that you see the best in people" Lena said. Kara put her forward on Lena's "and I love everything about you" She said and kissed Lena's temple, then she pulled away "How about we just ditch the party and go back to my house and have hot cocoa and cuddle up together" Kara said smiling at Lena "You had me at Ditch the party, I don't like parties anyway" Lena giggled. Kara pulled her up and the two walked hand and in hand to Kara's house.

Sorry it took so long to put this chapter out had a bit of good ol writers block 😅Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter as always please leave any thoughts and anything you'd like me to add also just want to thank those of you who read my fanfic it really means a lot to me, I really enjoy writing these and would like to one day branch out my content 😅Oop I'm rambling again anyway another thanks to all you guys and I hope you enjoy this 😁❤️

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