What Are We?

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Kara and Lena walked in silence the whole way to Kara's house. It was just them under the night sky, hand in hand. Perfect. Kara had texted Alex and told her that her and Lena weren't coming back to the party and to inform Eliza, as they reached Kara's front door Eliza burst the door open "Kara Danvers what on earth do think you're doing walking home in the dark no less, what if you could have gotten you and Lena into trouble" She scolded, Kara wrapped her arms around her adoptive mother to calm her down "I'm sorry" She said, Eliza could never stayed mad at Kara for too long, she knew Kara could take care of herself but she stilled worried "I promise I won't do it again" Kara promised, though Eliza knew the Kryptonian couldn't stay out of trouble but she nodded and kissed Kara's forehead, she turned to Lena and then to Kara "And you better take care of her,you hear" She said placing a hand on Lena's shoulder, Lena smiled she loved how caring Eliza was she reminded her of her own mother, this thought made her sad oh how she longed to have her mother back. She knew that her mom would of liked Kara very much "I'm going to go pick up your sister, Lena please feel free to stay here tonight if you like" Eliza said and headed out to fetch Alex "Will you?" Kara asked as they headed upstairs to her room "Will I what?" Lena replied "Stay? I mean if you don't want that's fine" Kara stammered, Lena giggled "Only if it's okay with you" Lena replied taking a seat on Kara's bed "Definitely... I mean that came out weird-I'd love to have you here" Kara said awkwardly and sat down on the chair in the corner of her room, she didn't know why she was so nervous but Lena did that to her, made her heart beat a thousand miles a minute. Lena cleared her throat "I believe I was promised a movie and cuddles" Lena smirked, Kara blushed, she sat beside Lena then quickly bent down to look through a box of movies "I have Musicals, Action, Rom-Com, Comedy, Thriller what would you like to watch?" Kara asked looking up at the brunette sitting on her bed, Lena sat beside her now looking over Kara's collection, then she pulled one out and held it up to Kara "How about we watch your favorite" Lena asked smiling at Kara who was trying to hide her excitement. The Wizard of Oz was her most favorite movie in the whole world "Sure that would be fine" Kara said pretending that she wasn't buzzing inside to watch her favorite, Lena giggled "You're adorable" She said smiling at Kara, Kara blushed hard "I'll go get snacks!" Kara said excitedly, jumping up and running to the kitchen "Always thinking with your stomach Danvers" Lena giggled. Kara came back as quickly as she had  left carrying microwave popcorn and mini snickers, she set them on the table next to her bed and sat beside Lena who had made herself cozy under a blanket on Kara's bed, she handed Lena the popcorn and snickers and got herself comfortable under the covers beside Lena. They sat close together snacking on popcorn and snickers, Kara more than Lena. Lena giggled at the blonde who was stuffing her face with chocolate "Wha-" Kara mumbled, her face stuffed with popcorn "You're just so adorable" Lena said squishy Kara's cheeks, she blushed and put the popcorn and chocolates back on the table. She moved her arm around Lena, her movement made Lena shudder "I did promise you cuddling didn't I?" she said nervously, Lena smiled and cuddled close to Kara her head resting on her chest "Yes you did indeed" Lena said placing her fingers in the spaces between Kara's fingers. They sat like that for awhile, Kara taking in Lena's warmth and Lena feeling Kara's chest rising and falling as they lay there watching the movie. Before long they both began to fall asleep, Eliza walked in to find the two lying quietly fast asleep, she smiled. She approved of Lena if anyone was deserving of Kara's heart it was her. She turned the movie off and smiled before heading back to her own room

------------The next morning-------------------
Lena woke up to find Kara lying still asleep beside her, the sun hitting her face. She looked beautiful, she thought to herself. Kara began to stir, her eyes fluttering open she noticed Lena staring at her, smiling "Morning" she said sleepily, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes "Morning" Lena said looking Kara in the eyes, those beautiful blue eyes "Did you sleep okay" Kara asked rolling onto her stomach and placing her head on her hands "Yeah I did" she said running a finger over the small of Kara's back "I did too" Kara replied looking at Lena. There was silence for awhile before Lena broke it "Kara?" Lena asked "Mhmm" she hummed "What are we?" Lena asked "What do you mean?" Kara asked not quite understanding Lena's question "Well last night, everything that happened w-what does that make us are we uh-dating or..." Lena stammered, Kara sat up now and looked at Lena intently, she didn't know what to say she hadn't ever had a girlfriend before, let alone dated anyone but she knew that she wanted to be with Lena "What do you want us to be?" She asked, Lena didn't say anything for awhile "I want us to be us, like this. For as long as you want me" Lena replied "I want that too" Kara replied, Lena blushed "Lee?" Kara asked "Yes Kara" she replied "Will you go on a date with me, like a proper date" Kara asked taking Lena's hand in her own "Yes I think I'd like nothing more" Lena replied. Kara smiled and the two lay back, their foreheads touching and they fell back asleep in the warmth of the sun.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter I really enjoyed writing it, I like describing little scenes like that it's all that I'd imagine it would be like to curl up together with someone who you admire, anyway please as always leave your thoughts and any ideas I'd really appreciate any feedback from you guys ❤️

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