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Okay so the last time I left off Kara invited Lena to her house after school this is after school

Kara waited patiently outside for Lena so they could head to her house, Kara waited almost 10 minutes for Lena this made Kara anxious Lena didn't usually take that long after school. She was just about to go inside the school building to look for Lena when she saw Lena walking out "I was beginning to think you changed your mind about coming my house today" Kara giggled nervously "Oh no sorry I just had to see the Head Mistress she wanted to find out how I'm fitting in here" Lena replied "Oh good, my mom can't pick us but we can walk if that's okay with you, maybe get a bite to eat?" Kara asked hopefully "Of course that sounds wonderful" she said beaming brightly at Kara, Kara hadn't really seen Lena smile and this being the first time she just stared at her beautiful smile spread across her face, Lena caught Kara staring "What?" she asked curiously, Kara snapped back to reality "Oh sorry I - I don't mean to stare it's just I've never seen you smile like that before, you - you have a very beautiful smile" Kara stammered nervously, Lena blushed "Oh uh- thanks" she said trying to hide her blush, Kara looked down at her shoes "Uh should we - should we get going" she asked nervously, hoping she hadn't made the situation awkward "Yes" Lena said and followed Kara down the street, the two fell in sync. Walking side by side Lena looked down at her hand swaying beside Karas as they walked, Lena could feel the presence of Kara's hand so close to hers if they moved any closer their hands would touch, the thought made Lena blush, what were these feelings she was feeling. The walk to the diner wasn't far, they arrived and took a seat in a booth by the window and a waitress bought them menus. Kara scanned the menu, her face hidden by the menu. Lena looked at hers, glancing up at Kara every now and then. Kara put her menu down and looked at Lena "Are you ready to order?" Kara asked politely "Yes" she replied. The waitress came and took their orders and in a few minutes returned with their drinks, Kara had ordered a Strawberry milkshake and Lena had ordered a Latte. Kara eyed Lena sipping her coffee then she giggled "What?" Lena asked in surprise "You have some cream on your upper lip" Kara giggled "Oh I uh-" Lena stammered awkwardly, she took her napkin and dabbed it on her lip "Is it gone?" she asked, blushing with embarrassment "You've got a little right there" Kara replied pointing to the spot where some cream still was, Lena tried to get rid of it but failed, Kara giggled "Let me help you" she said leaning towards the embarrassed brunette and wiped the remaining cream off her lip. Their eyes locked, it felt as if time had frozen. Just then the waitress returned with their food, they snapped back to reality. Leaving both blushing deeply "Oh thank you" Kara said as the waitress placed their food down on the table. They both had burgers and fries, Lena hadn't had a burger in awhile "This is delicious" she said devouring her Burger, Kara giggled "Have you never had a burger?" she asked "Oh I have, just haven't in a long time... We don't really go out as a family" Lena said sadly "I'm sorry" Kara replied, placing a hand on Lena's, Lena blushed. Just then there was a voice yelling a hello to Kara, they both looked up to see a girl in a softball uniform,she was tall and had blondeish brown hair and hazel eyes "Hey Kara" she said again walking towards them "Hey Sam" Kara replied waving to the girl. She stood at their booth, hands rested on the table "Hey Danvers how's it going" she said grinning "I'm good thanks Sam how are you" Kara asked politely "Oh I'm good, just busy with softball" Sam replied. There was silence for a few seconds until Kara realized that Lena was sitting there in awkward silence "Oh Sam this is Lena" she said gesturing to Lena who just waved at Sam "Oh hey, I'm Sam" She said shaking Lena's hand politely. Lena smiled, Sam was about to say something when one of her teammates called over to her "Guess I should go" she said "But uh, I'm having a party at my place this Friday you should both come" Sam said writing her address on a napkin, she handed the napkin to Kara "Hope to see you there" Sam said and winked at Kara before walking away. Lena felt a twinge of jealousy. This girl was clearly flirting with Kara, which Lena jealous, though she didn't know why it's not like Kara was her girlfriend... They were just friends, plus she didn't like Kara... Did she?

So that happened 😂I really hope you like this chapter sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, please feel free to give me feedback and please give me some pointers or anything you'd like to see happen your feedback will be much appreciated ❤️

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