It's A Date

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A week had passed, Kara had made plans to have the date that Friday night. Lena was excited, she'd never been on a date before and she couldn't think of anyone else she'd rather have a date with. Kara organized to pick Lena up from the Luthor Mansion at 6, she was extremely nervous to say the least but she was excited at the same time this was her first date too. Kara was rushing about the house organizing ingredients to make chocolate eclairs which she learnt was Lena's favorite "Kara what the hell" Alex asked sleepily, coming downstairs "Sorry Alex" Kara said pushing past her to get a measuring spoon "Okay what is going on, you're incredibly nervous... Are-are you making chocolate eclairs? " Alex asked taking a look at the contents of the bowl "Yes, not for you hands off" Kara replied swatting Alex's hand away from the bowl, Alex rested her arms on the kitchen table and smirked "You asked Lena on a date didn't you?" she teased "How'd you know?" Kara asked, she was blushing now more than ever. Alex just smiled "It's not that hard to tell, she has been here a lot besides I see the way you two are you can't keep your eyes off each other" Alex said "And you're okay with it?" Kara asked hesitantly "Look I admit I may have been a little against her at first" Alex said, Kara raised her eyebrows "A little?" she questioned, Alex smacked at her hand "yes okay, but I realized she's not like her brother" She continued "Thank you" Kara said smiling at her sister, she wanted more than anything for everyone to realize Lena was anything but a Luthor, she's kind and loving and honest "If she makes you happy then I'm happy" Alex said putting her hand on Kara's "I am"Kara replied "Well good" Alex said and made her way upstairs to get dressed "By the way you're a horrible baker, you've got the ability to fly go get them from Paris" Alex teased "Am I really that bad" She asked "Yeah" Alex replied. Kara hung her head, "Guess I'm going to Paris" she mumbled. Lena and Kara had agreed to stay at home that Friday, mostly so Kara could bake and prepare for the date. Lena bounced into the kitchen to have breakfast "Morning Charles" she said happily, greeting the butler "Good morning miss Luthor, you seem to be in a splendid mood this morning" he said politely "Indeed" she said smiling brightly "May I inquire why it is that you are in this splendid mood miss" He asked, Lena came closer "I have a date this evening" she whispered happily "oh well I see that would make one be in a splendid mood miss, who is the lucky fellow? " He asked, Lena laughed "It's not a boy Charles, it's a girl and her name is Kara Danvers and she's amazing and beautiful and kind" Lena said dreamily, Charles smiled "oh I beg your pardon mam I apologize for assuming, this Miss Danvers sounds wonderful miss Luthor" he said "Oh it's alright Charles, she really is" Lena replied "Well I wish you all the happiness miss Luthor" he said "Thank you Charles" Lena said smiling brightly at him, she began making her way out of the kitchen but quickly turned around "Oh Charles please don't tell mother where I'm going, she'd forbid me" Lena pleaded "my lips are sealed" he replied, pretending to zip his lips and throwing away the key "Thank you" Lena sighed with relief, she quickly placed a kiss on his cheek "You're truly the best" she said and headed upstairs to her bedroom. 'it's a date' she thought happily to herself

I apologize that this chapter is short I just thought I'd make the date over two chapters, I also apologize for not uploading any new chapters in awhile I've been taking a break to work on another story, an original 😁which I'm super excited about. I will try to do more chapters this week. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I really liked that Kara went to Paris to get Lena eclairs so I thought I'd add that in there. As always please leave comments and thoughts I really appreciate feedback so I can get better at my writing but Thanks for reading my fanfic it means a lot to me 😁❤️Enjoy your day and stay safe❤️

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