You're My Friend

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Lena slept happily that night she'd only just met Kara and she already felt like she had a friend - her first friend. She didn't usually like going to school, all the people staring at her "The Evil Luthor Girl" they used to call her, but Kara had given her a reason to enjoy school somehow she felt safe with Kara. Lena headed downstairs for breakfast, which she didn't enjoy at all. Lillian just drank her tea and completely ignored Lena and Lex was down in his lab doing some new thing to stop Superman. Like always she found Lillian Luthor sitting at the table with her tea "Good morning Mother" Lena said politely, she hated her adoptive Mother but she tried her best to always be polite, Lillian didn't look up from the paper she was reading she just went on reading taking a sip of her tea every few seconds 'Of course...silence' Lena thought to herself. Lena took a seat, Charles the Luthors butler came in with Lena's breakfast, Lena enjoyed his company, he was always nice nice to her "Good morning Miss Luthor" Charles said, smiling sweetly at Lena "Good morning Charles" Lena said. Lillian looked up from her paper "Charles fetch me the mail will you" She said harshly, Lena rolled her eyes, she hated how Lillian treated the staff "Of Course Ma'am, right away" He replied politely. As Charles left the dining hall he glanced at Lena and mouthed the words 'Dragon lady', he did so pulling a funny face, Lena giggled silently to herself. Lena finished her breakfast then headed to the kitchen to make herself lunch, as she walked into the kitchen she saw Charles holding a bag of food for her, she sighed "Charles you know I can make my own food right, you don't have to serve me hand and foot" she said "Oh please Miss Luthor as the only Luthor who treats me with kindness it's only a pleasure to serve you miss" He said, Lena smiled "Well I appreciate it greatly Charles and please call me Lena" she said "I'd prefer to call you Miss Luthor if that's fine miss" Charles said handing her the bag "Well alright then, enjoy your day Charles" Lena said turning to leave "And you as well Miss Luthor" he said smiling politely at her. Lena headed to the car that was waiting for her, she hated having a driver, she wished she could have a normal mother who dropped her off at school... But then nothing in Lena's life was normal, not for a Luthor. As Lena arrived at school everyone stared as the black car parked for her to get out, the driver got out to open Lena's door. She hated it, she wasn't royalty she didn't need servants and butlers or a driver. It was times like these when she missed her mom dearly, not Lillian her real mom. Lena waved the driver off "I can get it myself" she said in the most polite manner she could muster but her frustration was getting the better of her. Thank goodness for Kara, who was standing right there to greet her "Morning Lena" Kara said pulling Lena into a hug, Lena tensed up as Kara did this but eventually began to relax "Morning Kara" Lena said taking in her warmth, she wasn't used to getting hugs and it was a change but a welcoming change "You okay?" Kara asked, Lena realized she was still hugging Kara "Oh sorry yeah I'm fine" Lena stammered pulling away "It's just I uh... I don't get many hugs" she confessed "Well that's going to change" Kara said pulling Lena into another hug, Lena blushed a crimson red "Oh you don't have to-"Lena began "Nonsense, you're my friend I'll be giving you hugs all the time" Kara said beaming at Lena, Lena couldn't help but smile at the dorky Blonde 'Gosh you're adorable' Lena thought to herself "Oh!" Kara yelled excitedly, bringing Lena back to reality "What?" Lena asked, startled by Kara's outburst "Oh sorry, didn't mean to startle you" Kara said giggling at the look of amazement on Lena's face "I wanted to ask if you'd like to come to my house today after school?" she continued eagerly waiting for Lena's response "Oh I mean... Sure... But your sister, it's just uh she doesn't really like me that much" Lena stammered awkwardly, looking down at her shoes "Agh forget about Alex" Kara said scoffing, she didn't really care what Alex thought of Lena, it only mattered what she thought about Lena and what she thought is that Lena was nothing like her family at all, she was kind, smart, caring, compassionate and good and no last name was going to change her mind about that "But-" Lena began but Kara cut her off "No buts, you're my friend and honestly who cares what anyone thinks about you, I know you and you're a good person" Kara said, Lena blushed again "How do you know?, you just met me" Lena asked "I can just tell Lena, you're nothing like your family and if people stopped and actually got to know you they'd know that" Kara replied, Lena smiled "Well thank you" she said looking away, trying to hide her blush "It really means a lot to me Kara" Kara smiled "No problem" she said. Lena couldn't understand what was happening to her she felt warm for the first time, she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't stop smiling. She was happy, all thanks to Kara.

This chapter is a little shorter I decided to completely change the entire thing, because I wanted a build up to their relationship and I just felt like the original didn't have that so... 😅Let me know what you think of this chapter, your feedback would be greatly appreciated so I can get suggestions and thoughts on this chapter, I hope you enjoy 😁

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