She Likes You

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After they finished their food Kara went to pay the bill but when she got to the counter the meal had already been paid for "Paid for by who?" Kara asked "Oh your girlfriend paid for it already" the woman said "My girl - oh she's not my-we're not together I mean we're together but we're not together together" Kara stammered realizing she thought her and Lena were a couple "Oh my bad miss, it's just there was a vibe sorry to offend you" the woman said "Oh no you haven't offended me just - nevermind... Thank you enjoy your day" Kara said walking outside where Lena was waiting "Why did you pay?" Kara asked, Lena blushed "Sorry it's just you've been so amazing and I really wanted to do something for you... I - I hope that's okay I'm sorry I-" Lena stammered but Kara cut her off by hugging her "You didn't have to do that but I appreciate it really I do, thank you"She said, Lena blushed "It's my pleasure Kara" Lena replied, taking in Kara's warmth,Kara pulled away much to Lena's disappointment "We should get going to my house my mom might start to get worried" Kara said "Yes of course" Lena replied and the two headed off to Kara's house. The whole way there they spoke about their favorite things and things they didn't like it felt so nice to talk to with someone who had similar interests and Kara felt at home with Lena. When they reached Kara's house the sun was just going down. Kara decided to climb up to the balcony to watch as it went, she pulled Lena up beside her. They sat close side by side, their hands touching slightly. Lena hated to ruin the moment but she had to ask "So you and Sam huh" she asked trying to hide her jealousy, Kara looked at Lena "Me and Sam?" Kara asked in "What do you mean me and Sam" she asked Confused by Lena's statement "Well I mean she clearly likes you" Lena replied "Sam-like me" Kara said laughing at the idea "That's not funny joke Lena" Kara laughed "Oh come on Kara I can see the way she looks at you" Lena said, Kara raised her eyebrow "Plus she was totally flirting with you at the diner" Lena continued trying to make her point "Sam's like that" Kara said "With everyone?" Lena asked, Kara didn't answer "Well no" She finally said, Lena laughed "She likes you" she said though she hated saying it, the thought of someone liking Kara made her jealous though she knew that anyone would be stupid not to like Kara "Whatever you say" Kara laughed "Not like I have feelings for her anyway" Kara said, Lena looked at Kara "Who?" She asked, Kara looked at Lena confused "Who what?" Kara asked "Who do you like?" Lena asked, Kara paused before speaking "Well there's this girl, but I don't know if she likes me back. She's amazing and even though we've only known each other for a short time I feel like I've known her my whole life" Kara said "Oh okay"Lena replied not really knowing what to say, she knew Kara wasn't talking about her. Kara looked at Lena contemplating whether to tell her that she liked her that she was the girl she was talking about, I mean how could she not like Lena she was breathtakingly beautiful and she was amazing and kind and Kara had never thought she could feel that way about anyone especially someone she had just met but like she had said even though they had known each other only for a short time she felt like she had known her her whole life. They sat in silence for a while before Lena looked down at her watch "I should get home... Not that they'd notice if I was gone or not" She said "Well um... Why don't you-why don't you stay here, I could ask my mom I'm sure she wouldn't mind" Kara asked hopefully she loved spending time with Lena. Lena didn't say anything "I couldn't I mean... Are you sure?" she asked "Yea please it would be nice to spend some time together, we could watch movies" Kara asked, pulling her best puppy dog eyes. Lena hesitated before answering "Well I mean I guess I-" Lena began but before she could finish her sentence Kara hugged her, squeezing her tight "Yay" she squealed in delight, Lena giggled at Kara's adorableness "I'll go ask my mom" Kara said and ran inside and down the stairs,leaving Lena alone on the balcony smiling like an idiot. There was no denying it now Lena was head over heels for Kara Danvers

I decided I'd give you guys another chapter today seeing how I've missed so many days of not being able to, I really hope you enjoy the chapter ❤️will publish another 2 tomorrow

Forever and always जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें