home (3)

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Kie was the first one awake. While everyone else was still sleeping she just sat there and watched the waves crash. They all thought it was best if they stay by the ocean.

"hey didn't expect you awake so early" kie heard a voice from behind her. She turns around to see pope walking over and sitting down next to her.
"oh hey pope" kie responded wishing it was someone else.
"how long have you been up?" pope questioned her.
"not long. maybe five minutes" kie answered. Pope nodded as they just sat there watching the waves waiting for everyone else to wake up.

After about half and hour everyone was up. Well everyone except JJ. He was laying face first into the sand with his mouth open.
"i swear that boy can sleep through anything" sarah joked.
" should we put that to the test" john b questioned.
"hell yeah" kie responded. "hey quick john b go get me that branch".

John b quickly ran over to the branch kie was pointing at and grabbed it and handed it to her. Kie quietly walked closer to where JJ layed. She brought the branch closer to his face and started poking  him with it.

JJ started waking up. "oh shit. Guys i think he's awake" kie whispered. This fully woke him up but he decide he wanted to miss with them first.
"just keep going" sarah said in between laughs.
So kie continued poking him and, JJ thought this is the perefect time to strike. In between pokes JJ quickly grabbed the stick and started poking kie with it.

"yeah how do you like it" JJ said as he continued poking kie with a stick. She looked at the others for help but, they were far too gone laughing to help her. Finally kie had enough and said " alright alright you win".
"woooooh JJ one kie zero" JJ yelled.

"umm guys!" pope yelled look at the clouds. Everyone but JJ turned to see a big grey cloud over the ocean coming their way. Kie realized JJ was looking the wrong way and turned his head in the right direction saying "this was idiot".

"ohhh shit" JJ whispered as he saw the massive cloud.
"we need to start building a shelter. Like right now" pope said. The group nodded in agreement as they all started grabbing random pieces of wood.
"ok grabbing random pieces and freaking is going to do us nothing" cleo continued " at Nassu when a hurricane hit you move more into main land so, that's  probably what we should do first".

Everyone  agreed as they all started to move their stuff to the middle of the island. "need help princess" JJ asked kie as she was obviously struggling carrying wood.
"no" she responded coldly.
"ok" he said as he started walking away he heard the wood fall. "need help now" he shouted  turning around to see kie struggling even more. "okay yes but don't get cocky" kie finally giving in. JJ just gave her a grin and grabbed some the wood.

They finally got the last piece into the spot we're they're going to build their shelter. "okay the storm is almost here we better hurry and built our shelter fast" sarah said.  They all started helping eachother building as fast as they can but, also making sure it's stable enough to hold off the storm.

They finished and it was the middle of the night. Luckily, the storm wasn't moving too fast our else they would be screwed. "guys it looks good" pope said as they all stood there standing in front of their new home. " so we're sure this isn't  going to collapsed on us in the middle of the night and kill us" kie said.
"how are we supposed to be sure. Do any of us look like builder men" JJ replied.

" construction workers JJ. they're called construction workers" kie answered JJ as the two started bickering again. Pope got annoyed, all those two do is fight and pope had enough and snapped.
"GUYS!" pope yelled "shut up. literally who cares. All you two do is fight because we all know you two are just fighting the urge to fuck eachother-".
"whoa pope" kie said.
"we what" JJ yelled as him and kie both stepped away from eachother.
"Okay so just either go fuck in those bushes back there or shut up and sleep" pope finished his breakdown.  Pope had no clue why he said those things maybe because he's low on food and water or, maybe because he realized something JJ and kie didn't. Either way he was tried and headed off the sleep.

No one else knew what to say so they all just went to sleep. Kie however stayed up thinking about pope's words. She never really was good with feelings. She messed things up with pope because she didn't know how she felt. Also she doesn't even know now about her feelings towards JJ too. Her and JJ friendship in good right now and she doesn't want to mess that up because of what might be.  After of whole of contemplating she finally fell asleep in her new home "pougelandia".

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